With strong individual characteristics, but is not limited to individuals, language of expression mature true.
带有强烈的个人色彩,但是却并不局限于个体,作品的表达语言成熟真实。 |
With strong manufacture ability, Xian Yong also is good at mold developing and desiring.
具有自己的研发设计产品能力及模具生产能力。 |
With strong sense of responsibility,good team spirit ,have the courage to grope.
高度的责任心,良好的团队精神,勇于探索的精神。 |
With strong technical strength and advanced processing, Changshu Shuangling Shipping Apparatus Co,Ltd can develop and manufacture various nonstandard products according to user's requirements.
公司技术力量雄厚,生产工艺先进,可根据用户需要开发设计制造各种非标产品。 |
With students at the controls - most of whom were not born when the show began its run - the pas de deux of light and music now played on oldies stations still draws a mix of generations.
随着学生的控制-当首映时他们大多并未出生-这在陈旧的舞台上灯光和音乐中芭蕾双人舞仍旧吸引着一代又一代。 |
With students explosive bursts of applause rang teacher Chen and his entourage entered the room with smiling .
随着同学们阵阵爆炸般的掌声响起,陈明老师一行面带笑容的走进讲座现场。 |
With substitution degree added, the colocasia esculenta schott starch phosphate ester was easier to gelatinize, the tolerance to salt and sucrose increased, the clarity first increased and then decreased, paste viscosity first decreased and then increased
随着取代度的增加,香芋淀粉磷酸酯的糊化变得容易,耐盐和耐糖能力提高、透明度先增后减、糊粘度则先减后增。 |
With subtitles, there is no problem with quick or unclear dialog — everything is just written on the screen.
有了字幕,当你遇到不懂之处就容易解决得多,因为对白都写在屏幕上,即便你需要查一下一些生词。 |
With success has also come criticism about the rampant commercialism of the games.
伴随着成功而来的是对比赛极端的商业化的批评。 |
With such a big lead in the opinion polls, they've really got the election sewn up.
随著在意见民意调查之中如此遥遥领先,他们在这次选举真的已然胜券在握了。 |
With such a character and faith, she has finally become the first female general of the China Air Dynamics Research Base, whose name is Liu Changxiu.
凭着这样好争的性格与信念,她最终成为我国空气动力研究基地首位科技女将军她的名字叫刘长秀。 |