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Methods: The management of 2 children with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the biliary tree was reviewed.

Methods: The data of 545 cases of clavicle fracture from 2003 to 2005 were evaluated using the method of cost-effectiveness analysis. 方法:根据我院2003~2005年的545例锁骨骨折临床资料,用成本-效果分析的方法进行比较。
Methods: The effect of minitype drinking water treatment units were tested. 方法:对32台中空纤维加活性炭结构的小型家用水质处理器进行功能性检验。
Methods: The etiology of 215 cases of chronic pancreatitis in Peking Union Medical College Hospital from 1990 to 2000 was retrospectively analyzed. 方法:回顾性分析1990-2000年北京协和医院215例慢性胰腺炎患者的病因。
Methods: The graded model of rats was set up by using the dev ice of the improved fluid-percussion model, then we observed the changes of bra in tissue of rats. 方法:采用自行改进的液压冲击模型装置产生大鼠液压冲击脑外伤模型,对大鼠脑组织进行肉眼和光镜观察。
Methods: The hospitals were determined by random sampling, and quantitative diagnosis analysis of syndromes was conducted by maxium likelihood discriminant method. 方法:用随机抽样方法确定调查医院,用判别分析中的最大似然判别法进行中医证候的计量诊断分析。
Methods: The management of 2 children with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the biliary tree was reviewed. 方法:对2例小儿胆道胚胎型横纹肌肉瘤的诊治经验教训进行分析,并复习有关文献。
Methods: The means of to see doctor because of illnessand puts patient to a professional organization to cureetc were adopted, 550 relapse tuberculosis were found, then they were treated and managed according to prescriptive request treatment. 方法:采用因症就诊和实施归口管治转诊病人等手段,发现复发肺结核病人550例,按照规定的要求治疗和管理病人。
Methods: The method is to till the perforated and dried pulp cavity with thesterilized eugenol cotton ball and block it after one or two days with the pulp devitalizer. 方法:将蘸有适量消炎痛粉的丁香油棉球(消丁球)置入已做好穿髓孔并且干燥好的窝洞中,暂封1~2天后再封入乳牙失活剂。
Methods: The method of multiple stepwise regression analysis was app lied to identify the independent determinants of indices of left ventricular str ucture and function assessed by echocardiography in 89 uncomplicated hypertensiv e patients. 方法:对89例无合并症的Ⅰ,Ⅱ期高血压病患者超声心动图心脏结构和功能测值进行多元逐步回归分析,甄选出对左室结构和功能有独立影响因素。
Methods: The method was based on the adsorption of organic solvents on activated charcoal, desorption with CS2 and analysis of the abtained solution by FFAP capillary GC with FID detector. 方法:用活性碳吸附管采集空气中有机溶剂,CS2解吸,经FFAP毛细管色谱柱分离,以氢火焰离子化检测器检测。
Methods: The middle school students in forestry and animal husbandry middle school of Weihui city were investigated during an outbreak of food poisoning. 方法:对卫辉市林牧中学发生食物中毒引发中学生群体性癔病进行调查。

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