But if, by reviewing, he knows thus: “The five hindrances are abandoned in me,” then he can abide happy and glad, training day and night in wholesome states.
但是,如果经过这样检视觉察,他了知五盖障碍巳经舍离了,那么他可以欢喜愉悦地日夜修习,安住在善心中。” |
But if, for whatever reason, you can't do that, then this technique will allow you to get in the right ball-park of a correct white balance by eye.
但是,如果你找不到这样的专业人士的话,那么以下的技巧可以帮你靠目测获得正确的白平衡。 |
But if, in your fear, you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure., then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor, into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and
但是如果你们出于畏惧只去寻求爱的和美与爱的欢乐,那你们最好掩起自己的赤裸,离开爱的打谷场,踏入那没有季节的世界,在那里,你会开怀,但不是尽情欢笑;你会哭泣,但不是尽抛泪水。 |
But imagine it in silver or black.
让我们联想一下她是黑色的或是银灰色的。 |
But immediacy and the speed of production that goes with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient value.
时事报道的即时性和与之相适应的印刷速度也意味着报纸内容大多只有短暂的阅读价值。 |
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.
太14:27耶稣连忙对他们说、你们放心.是我、不要怕。 |
But immigrant advocates say making it more expensive for immigrants to pursue legal status or citizenship can only serve as a further deterrent.
但是移民倡导者称提高移民获取合法地位或公民身份的做法只会成为一个进一步的威慑。 |
But immigration officials arrested him in a targeted July swoop. And a search of his caravan found letters from lawyers of women who claimed he had given them HIV.
移民局在七月的一次针对他的突击行动中把他抓获.并在他的篷车里搜出那些女人的律师给他的信件,控告他给那些女人传染上了HIV. |
But imports also grew at similar rates over the same period, reflecting domestic demand.
然而,由于内需强劲,同期的进口增速与出口增速大体持平。 |
But improved condition saw him finish last season in good form and he has grown used to battling for his place.
一个赛季中的21个进球以及甲级俱乐部中两次杯赛半决赛中的出场纪录让吉安卢卡维亚利用400万英镑的价格将其签下。 |
But in 1904 the bumptious young MP caused a sensation when he crossed the floor to join the Liberal party.
但是在1904年,这个盲目自大的年轻的英国下院议员做出了一个令人惊奇的举动,他加入了自由党。 |