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The Judge: Can you give me an explanation? Why anyone would kidnap Ms. Scully to... to conceive this child, then put it up for adoption?

The Jovian moon Himalia is discovered by Charles Dillon Perrine at Lick Observatory. 1904年,木星的卫星赫马利亚在利克天文观测站被查尔斯?迪隆发现。
The Ju Yuan fruit exchange market is the underling of company which to the biggest and the equipments of it is the most complete of all fruit exchange market is the district. 公司下设菊园果品交易市场的是全区规模最大,设施最完备的果品交易市场。
The Juche Idea allows to create an indestructible unit between the people\'s massess and the Leader, so in this way an independent and sovereign state can be built and the people can use their talent and power for the common benefit. 主体思想可使人民群众和领导之间建立起牢不可破的联盟,这样就可创建一个独立自主的国家,人民可以为着共同的利益贡献其才智和力量。
The Juche Idea is based in the thinking that the person is the owner of everything and use it to serve him. 主体思想的思想基础是:人是万物的主人,人用主体思想为之服务。
The Judaic, Christian and Greek or Roman ideologies that preceded this optimistic age had placed stress on the essentially tragic, incomplete nature of human life. 在这个乐观时代前的犹太教,基督教,希腊罗马思想意识对人类生活本质上悲观性,不完整性施加了压力。
The Judge: Can you give me an explanation? Why anyone would kidnap Ms. Scully to... to conceive this child, then put it up for adoption? 法官:你能给我一个解释吗?为何有人要绑架史卡利小姐让她怀这个孩子,然后交给别人领养?
The Judge: Not in any legal definition. 法官:就任何法律定义都不是。
The Judiciary insures that the country is run according to the laws passed by the Congress and accepted by the Administration. 司法机构则保证这个国家按国会通过政府接受的法律条文运作。
The Jules Rimet Trophy was the original prize for winning the FIFA World Cup, and was lifted by England captain Bobby Moore following victory over West Germany in the 1966 final. 朱尔斯·雷米特杯是世界杯的最初奖杯,在1966年英格兰战胜西德的决赛后,被英格兰队长博比·摩尔高高举起。
The Jules Rimet Trophy was won outright by Brazil in 1970 after their third World Cup triumph, with the current trophy first presented in 1974 to champions West Germany. 雷米特杯在1970年被巴西第三次举起,而现在的大力神杯则在1974年开始试用,那届的冠军是西德。
The July Ka Newsshow up! So it can let you who care me to know what's happening and will be happening. 7月哈讯登场了,好让关心我的你,能知道正在发生及快将发生的事情!

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