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In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons.

In Britain the long vacation is from June to October. 在英国,长的假期是从六月到十月。
In Britain the sovereign reigns but does not govern. 在英国,君主称王,但不治理国家。
In Britain the term applies mainly to the National Health Service (NHS), national insurance and social security. 在英国,这主要是指国民保健制度,国民保险和社会保障制度。
In Britain the upper Chamber is the House of Lords, and the lower the House of Commons. 英国上院即贵族院,下院即众议院。
In Britain the upper chamber of Parliaments is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons. 在英国议会的上议院叫做贵族院,下议院叫做平民院。
In Britain the upper chamber or parliament is the House of Lords, the lower the House of Commons. 英国的上议院或国会是贵族议院,下议院是众议院。
In Britain they put the clock on an hour in spring. "在英国,人们在春季便把时钟拨快一小时。"
In Britain they put the clock on an hour in spring. 在英国,人们在春季便把时钟拨快一小时。
In Britain women are in the majority. 在英国,妇女占多数。
In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918. 1918年英国妇女获得议会选举权。
In Britain, Cambrian rocks are found in Wales and North-West Scotland. 在英国的威尔士和苏格兰的西北部,发现了寒武纪的岩石。

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