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The new leader is a good selection.

The new laws empower the police to search private house. 新的法律使警察得以搜查私人住宅。
The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street. 新法令授予警察可以在街上截停任何人的权利。
The new laws gained widespread acceptance . 新法例广获赞同.
The new laws gained widespread acceptance. 新法例广获赞同.
The new leader has a large backing. 那位新领导人有大批的支持者。
The new leader is a good selection. 新领袖是个好人选。
The new leader's statement does not assort with some of his Party's principles. 这位新领导人物发表的声明与他所在的政党的一些原则不相称。
The new leadership, led by Hu Jintao and premier Wen Jiabao, faces new challenges including China's future role in the WTO, a growing underclass, the coming Olympics, and pressure to meet goals by the next party congress in 2007. 新的领导集体在胡锦涛主席和温家宝总理的带领下,面临着新的挑战,其中包括中国在世贸组织中未来的角色、不断增长的下层阶级、即将举办的奥运会,以及在2007年下一届党代会之前完成既定目标的压力。
The new leading collectives with Hu Jintao as the core put forward seven points about building governing theories, governing resources as one of them. 摘要以胡锦涛为核心的新的领导集体提出了执政理论建设的七个方面内容,执政资源为其中之一。
The new leaves in springtime have a soft touch. 春天的新芽有柔软的触感。
The new legislation that created Canada was a British act of Parliament called “The British North America Acts of 1867”. 使加拿大成为一个国家的新法案是一项叫做“1867年英属北美法案”的英国国会法案。

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