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The indications for postpartum hysterectomy were massive bleeding due to uterine infections ( . % ), placenta accreta (. % ), placenta praevia (. 7 % ), placenta adhesions(. % ), abruptio placentae (. % ) and uterine atony (. 7 % ).
宫内感染( . %),胎盘植入(.%),前置胎盘(.7%),胎盘粘连(.%),胎盘早剥(.%),宫缩乏力(.7%),子宫复旧不良(.%)、子宫切除术后无并发症发生。

The incidences of Roux en Y stasis syndrom(RSS) in FJI, PR and PIR group were 0%, %and %respectively. Roux-en-Y滞留综合征在FJI、PR、PIR 组中总发生率分别为0、 . %、.%。
The inclusion body washed with % deoxycholic acid sodium salt and dissolved with 0.% N-lauroyl sarcosine sodium was recovered by the way of dialysis,then the protein was purified with Glutathione Sepharose TM~(B) and its purity was above 8%. 以包涵体形式存在的重组蛋白以%的脱氧胆酸钠洗涤、0.%的N-十二烷基肌氨酸钠溶解、透析复性、Glutathione Sepharose TMB纯化后,纯度达8%以上。
The increase of lung attenuation correlated well with the decrease of the cross-sectional lung area(r=0.70, P< 0.0) at the carinal level. 隆突水平肺衰减增加与肺面积减小呈正比 (r=0 .70 ,P <0 .0 )。
The incubation period of LDL oxidize reaction is:P>BHT>P≈P>Control. Their oxidize restrain rate to DPPH is:P=. %,P= 7.8 %,P= 9.0 %,BHT=. %,respectively. 种黄酮单体的LDL氧化反应潜伏期大小次序为:P>BHT>P≈P>Control,对DPPH自由基的氧化抑制率分别为:P=.%,P= 7.8%,P= 9.0%,BHT=.%。
The index in G was higher than that in G and in G (P <0. 0 ),The index in invasive tumors (T-T) was higher than that in superficial tremors(Ta-T) (P <0.0 ). G 级显著高于 G与 G 级( P<0. 0)。 浸润性肿瘤(T—T). ± .%显著高于表浅性肿瘤(Ta—T)8± .%(P<0.0)。
The indications for postpartum hysterectomy were massive bleeding due to uterine infections ( . % ), placenta accreta (. % ), placenta praevia (. 7 % ), placenta adhesions(. % ), abruptio placentae (. % ) and uterine atony (. 7 % ). 宫内感染( . %),胎盘植入(.%),前置胎盘(.7%),胎盘粘连(.%),胎盘早剥(.%),宫缩乏力(.7%),子宫复旧不良(.%)、子宫切除术后无并发症发生。
The indium leaching rate of over 90% was achieved at -0+80 mesh crushed particle size of hard -zinc slag, industrial hydrochloric acid concentration of 9.9 mol/L, liquid -solid ratio of .0, reaction temperature of 80% and reaction time of 80 min. 将硬锌渣粉碎至粒度为-0+80目、用9.9 mol/L的工业盐酸浸出时,在液固比为.0、反应温度为80℃、反应时间为80 min的反应条件下,铟浸出率可达到90%以上。
The individual who carried CYPA variant or GSTM negative genotype had an increased risk for lung cancer, the odd ratio (OR) were . (.0~.8) and .8 (.0 ~ .9), respectively. 携带CYPA变异基因型或GSTM阴性基因型的个体患肺癌的危险性增高,比值比(OR)分别达到.(.0~.8)和.8(.0 ~ .9)。
The induction of urokinase(UK) in rat by propylene glycol mannite sulfate (PGMS) 甘糖酯对大鼠尿激酶的诱导作用
The industrial scale experiments are carried out under the pressure of 0.-0.8MPa at the temperature of 00-0℃ for hours with the obtained Raney nickel as catalyst. The yield of pinane is above 98% and the selectivity of cis-panane is above 9%. 进行了工业化试生产 ,当加氢压力为 0 . - 0 .8MPa ,温度为 0 0 - 0℃时 ,反应 h ,蒎烷总得率 98%以上 ,顺式蒎烷选择性大于 9 %.
The infection rate in Hejiang County,the south mountainous area of Sichuan Basin,was the highest where the overall infection rate reached 77.9% while the infection rates were:7.90% of roundworm, .% of hookworm,. of whipworm and .8% of pinworm. 部份地区感染率以四川盆地南部边缘的合江县为高,总感染率为77.9%,蛔虫7.90%、钩虫 .%、鞭虫.%、蛲虫.8%;

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