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By constructing the geometrical model of a certain underground single arm type pantograph and applying the translation of pantograph-head balancing bar and the perpendicular displacement of pantograph in the direction of the movement of locomotive while r

By constantly offering collected projects, by promoting architectural technology as principle, the institute insists on a quality policy of pursuiting honesty and excellence in order to offering advanced design technology and prominent project service. 研究院将秉承不断为社会奉献精品工程、推进建筑技术进步为宗旨,坚持“诚信为本,追求卓越”的质量方针,为客户提供先进的设计技术和优质的工程服务。
By constructing a duopolistic framework, the interaction among the effects of non-use values, market power, and common exploitation is investigated. 藉由建立一个双占模型的分析架构,非使用价值、市场力量与共有资源间的相互关联性在本文中被详细探讨。
By constructing a dynamic game model of enterprise entry and a complete information dynamic game model of tax rate and enterprise's output, this paper deduces the sub game perfect Nash equilibrium among government and enterprise after collecting the envir 通过构建企业进入博弈模型和政府税率与企业产量博弈的完全信息动态博弈模型,导出政府、企业双方局中人在开征环境污染税后所达到的子博弈完美纳什均衡,可分析我国开征环境污染税的可行性以及所能达到的效果,从而为环境污染税的开征提供理论依据。
By constructing approximate functions and using prior estimate and conversion of variable, it is proved that the inverse problem has weak solution for given initial value, boundary value and the oil output. 通过变量和函数变换,作逼近函数和估计等方法,证明了对给定的初边值和石油产量,此反问题存在弱解。
By constructing the conditions consistent with its solution, and employing the theorem of the immobile point in functional analysis, it is proved that the existence and uniqueness of the local M-estimate with some conditions. 摘要通过构造解存在所满足的条件及引入泛函分析中的不动点定理证明了稳健的变窗宽局部线性回归估计在一定条件下解的存在性和唯一性。
By constructing the geometrical model of a certain underground single arm type pantograph and applying the translation of pantograph-head balancing bar and the perpendicular displacement of pantograph in the direction of the movement of locomotive while r 摘要在建立某地铁单臂受电弓简化几何模型的基础上,根据列车平稳受流对受电弓提出的各项要求,以受电弓升弓时机车前进方向上的纵向偏移量和弓头平衡杆的平动为目标,以受电弓正常升弓所需升弓转矩等为约束,运用基于遗传算法的多目标优化技术,对该型受电弓机构进行了优化,得到了使受电弓运动性能达到最优的几何参数。
By consulting the theory of the management and exploitation of modern human resources, this paper tries to debate the issue of career guidance for university students from three aspects: the basic rule, the basic content and the basic model of operating. 以开展大学生生涯辅导的实践经验为基础,通过借鉴相关的现代人力资源管理与开发理论,着重从基本原则、内容和操作模式三个方面对大学生生涯辅导问题进行探讨。
By continual investments in technologies and process improvements, West4u.com has established a position of manufacturing leadership in Asia, enabling the facility to meet customers' needs for high quality products and service. 以不断在技术和操作上提高,威氏已建立起在亚洲制造业的领导地位,使其设施符合客户高质量产品和服务的需要。
By contracting Honeywell for engineering and project management services, GS Engineering and Construction expects to shave about four months off the project schedule and will be able to focus on other critical areas of the plant. 通过授予霍尼韦尔提供工程和项目管理服务,GS工程和建筑公司预计可以节省项目计划的四个月,从而可以把重点放在工厂其他关键领域上。
By contrast the CDU has a clutch of youngish pretenders biding their time as regional premiers: Roland Koch in Hesse, Christian Wulff in Lower Saxony, Günther Oettinger in Baden-Württemberg. 相比之下,基督教民主联盟却拥有一群年轻的妄想支持者来支持党内人士做封疆大吏:黑森州州长科赫,下萨克森州政府总理克里斯蒂安?乌尔夫,巴登-符滕堡州州长金特尔?厄廷格。
By contrast the demonstrations in Xiamen were directed at officialdom, and the slave-labour scandal embarrasses the government. 相反,厦门游行示威的指挥是直接发生在官方机构的,而且砖窑矿工丑事使政府陷入很尴尬的境地。

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