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She injured herself while skating.

She inherited all her mother's beauty. 她秉承了她母亲的全部美貌。
She inherited her good looks from her mother. 她从她母亲遗传到好面貌。
She inherited her mother's good looks and her father's bad temper . 她生来就有母亲的美貌和父亲的坏脾气.
She inherited her mother's good looks and her father's bad temper. 她生来就有母亲的美貌和父亲的坏脾气.
She inherited the land from her grandfather. 她从她祖父那继承了那块土地。
She injured herself while skating. 她在滑冰时受了伤。
She inked in the outlines on the paper. 她在纸上画的铅笔轮廓线上加描墨水。
She inquired for the manager. 她想见经理。
She inquired how long they had been dead: then how old I was, what was my name, whether I could read, write, and sew a little: then she touched my cheek gently with her forefinger, and saying, She hoped I should be a good child,dismissed me along with Mis 她问我他们去世多久了,还问我自已几岁,叫什么名字,会不会一点读、写和缝纫,随后用食指轻轻碰了碰我脸颊说,但愿我是一个好孩子,说完便打发我与米勒小姐走了。
She inquired of the librarian whether they had got the book. 她询问图书馆管理员,他们有没有这本书。
She inquired the production technics of glass,and hoped that we could provide the Chinese production standard of glass-containers to them. 她询问玻璃的生产工艺,并希望我们提供玻璃容器的中国生产标准。

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