Impulsion is, therefore, seen only in those paces that have a period of suspension.
因此,前进气势只有在那些具有腾空期的步伐中才能看到。 |
Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
一时冲动之下,她嫁给了一个她自以为爱的人。 |
Impulsiveness is not impulsive epitaph.
浮躁不是浮躁的墓志铭。 |
Impurity and dust can be cleared up by dust collector cyclone.
小杂质及灰尘可通过吸风风网清除。 |
Impusive Control &Nanoelectronics All great truths begin as blasphemies.
所有伟大的真理最初都被看作是大逆不道的谬论。 |
Impusle Winding Tester、 programmer electrical safety compliance tester series、Function/arbitrary waveform generator、RF Scalar network analyzer.
匝间绝缘耐压测试仪系列、安规测试仪系列、数字合成函数/任意波信号发生器系列、网络分析仪. |
Imus was fired from his radio show, after making racially insensitive statements about the Rutgers women's basketball team.
艾莫斯被广播公司解雇,因为他在节目中对拉特杰斯队女篮队员所做的评论,有种族歧视的嫌疑。 |
Imus was given a two-week suspension from the air.
艾默斯被罚两周不能主持电台节目。 |
In six people are competent , and one's own emotional course attract the audience firmly between six people, display the pure attitude to the love of young people.
在《六人行》里,六个人之间及各自的感情历程也牢牢地吸引着观众,表现着年轻人对于爱情的纯真态度。 |
In Advanced mode you can actually Program the MHC9000 Battery Charger to your Charging and discharging Specifications. See the Programming Diagram below.
在高级模式,用户可以设定各个充放电参数对电池进行充放电。 |
In Bamboo Forest, the post-modernist characteristics mainly contains de-centralize, characterization of crisis and language game, the uncertainty of plot and the uncertainty of image.
《竹林中》的后现代主义显征主要表现为:去中心化表征危机或语言游戏、情节的不确定性、形象的不确定性。 |