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Experimental and Clinical Study on the Relationship between Expression of Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Monocytes/Macrophages and Stability of Atherosclerotic Plaques

Experimental Study on the Relationship between Matrix Metalloproteinases and Stability of Atherosclerotic Plaques 基质金属蛋白酶与动脉粥样硬化斑块稳定性关系的实验研究
Experimental Study on the Stark Effect of Caesium Rydberg Atoms in an Electric Fields Rydberg态Cs原子的Stark效应的实验研究
Experimental Study on the Use of Shenhua Coal as a Substitute in WGZ0/9.8- Boilers Equipped with Topping Vertical Cyclone Furnaces WGZ0/9.8-立式前置旋风炉改烧神华煤的试验研究
Experimental Teaching with UP Boards for SOPC-based Embedded Systems UP 板在SOPC嵌入式系统教学实验中的应用
Experimental Treatment of Ichthyobodiasis Necator 漂游鱼波豆虫病及其治疗试验
Experimental and Clinical Study on the Relationship between Expression of Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Monocytes/Macrophages and Stability of Atherosclerotic Plaques 肝细胞生长因子在单核/巨噬细胞的表达与动脉粥样硬化斑块稳定性关系的实验与临床研究
Experimental and simulative study on optimal vacuum pressure within Crookes radiometer Crookes辐射计内最佳真空度的实验和仿真研究
Experimental observation and assessment of blast injury to animals on the warship induced by mine ex plosion 水雷爆炸对舰船上动物冲击损伤的试验观察与评价
Experimental research on characteristic of discharge of urinal and toilet flusher 便器冲洗阀(器)出流特性试验研究
Experimental research on homely middle water equipment 家用中水设备的试验研究
Experimental researches of the neuroprotective effect of insulin on brain ischemia 胰岛素对缺血性脑损伤中枢保护作用实验研究

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