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Allow the love that they feel for you to fill your heart, and allow them now to commune with you now.

Allow the dance of all others beloved. 容许其他万物的舞蹈,至爱的人类。
Allow the dance, for it is only in becoming conscious of the unconscious that one may begin to transcend. 容许舞蹈,因为只有在从无意识变为有意识中,你才能去超越。
Allow the developer to set default view rendering options for all controllers. [允许开发者为所有的控制器设置默认的视图显示选项.
Allow the energy of the kundahlini to blow out of the front and back of this chakra region cleansing the sacrum, thighs and lower buttocks of blockages and stuck energies. 让昆达里尼的能量在这个脉轮区域的前后爆裂,净化骶骨、股骨和较低臀部的阻滞,以及粘滞的能量。
Allow the love of the feast and the communion of all species to embrace you. 允许宴会的爱和与所有种类的交融合一去拥抱你。
Allow the love that they feel for you to fill your heart, and allow them now to commune with you now. 把它们来感觉你的爱充满你的心,现在容许他们与你交谈。
Allow the option of remoting some types later on, post deployment, and changing the application topology. 允许在该文件重新定义远程调用,配置信道和改变应用程序发布(添加信道等)等。
Allow the parts of yourself to unite now, dancing together outside of time and space, expanding to touch upon the One Source, the Source of All Sources, from which all creations, all existence originates. 现在允许你自己的各个部分都联合起来,共同舞蹈在时间和空间之外,扩展去接触“一”的源头、所有源头之源——所有造物,所有存在起源的地方。
Allow the processing, go into the memories of your ancestor's lives and release the pain and loneliness therein. 允许这个处理过程,进入你祖先们的生活记录中并释放在那里痛苦和孤独的记录。
Allow the reels of such movies to be seen and experienced consciously. 让这卷电影被看到并被有意识地体验到。
Allow the tones to resonant from your throat. 自你的咽喉处引起音调共鸣。

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