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Little Lamb, who made thee?

Little Isabel leaped up and down, spatting her hands. 小伊莎贝尔一边跳上跳下一边拍打著她的手。
Little Joe, a 300-pound adolescent gorilla at Boston's Franklin Park Zoo, escaped. 一只重达135公斤的青春期大猩猩「小乔」,从波士顿富兰克林动物园逃脱了。
Little Johnny accidently swallowed a quarter. 小约翰误吞了一枚25美分硬币。
Little Johnny from the back of the class stands up and asks Does a fart have lumps? 坐在教室后面的小强尼站起来说:“放的屁有一块块的吗?”
Little Jonhnny Green. Who pull'd her out? Little Tommy stout. 小约翰尼·格林干的。谁救出来的?小汤米·斯托特。
Little Lamb, who made thee? 小羊,你是谁造的?
Little Marry carried on for ten minutes after she fell headlong. 小玛丽摔了个倒栽葱后,哭闹了十分钟。
Little Mary: I find in my history book there is always such number (1451--1560) after the name Christopher Columbus. Would you please explain why, sir? 小玛丽:我在历史书中发现,克里斯托。哥伦布这个名字后老是有(1451-1560)着几个数字,老师,请您给解释一下好吗?
Little Nutbrown Hare, who was going to bed, held on tight to Big Nutbrown Hare's very long ears. 小兔子要上床睡觉了,他紧紧抓著大兔子的长耳朵。
Little Penguin: He's a dirty trash can full of poop. 小企鹅:他是一个肮脏、愚蠢的垃圾桶。
Little Piggy is now as big and fat as his brothers and sisters. 小猪猪现在和他的哥哥姐姐们一样大、一样胖了。

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