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What Vocational Service goals would the district like to accomplish?

What Tom wants is a proper dog. 汤姆所想要的是一只货真价实的狗。
What Tom wants is to do his field work. 汤姆想的是作他的野外实习。
What Type of Loan Do You Need? 无担保贷款的贷款不需要你有任何反对质押贷款.
What UML tools do we support? 我们支持哪些UML工具?
What VH1 is doing with their Save the Music campaign is phenomenal. VH1正在以他们的救援做音乐活动的是显著的。
What Vocational Service goals would the district like to accomplish? 地区想要达成什麽样的职业服务目标呢?
What Was the Treatment? 怎样治疗呢?
What Will Be The Release Price? 发布的定价是多少?
What Will Happen When China Enters WTO? 中国加入世贸组织后会发生什么?
What Wilson added to Carlson's invention, says Mr Ellis in an inspiring biography, was “rigorous financial discipline, his focus on developing a new technology, and his remarkable capacity to keep his organisation committed to his vision for many long, le 艾利斯先生在他启人心智的自传中写道,威尔逊给卡尔逊的发明所带来的是“严格的财务纪律;他对于发展新技术的执著;他以非凡的耐心让自己的组织保持对创新梦想的执著,经历许多困窘的年头,还面临着技术革新的不确定性。
What Would She Do in a Life-threatening Situation? 在危及生命的时刻她如何应对?

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