Don't mess around with sharp knives!
不要摆弄刀口锋利的刀! |
Don't mess up my hair: I've just combed it.
别把我的头发弄乱,我刚梳好。 |
Don't mind Larry. He won't hurt you, he's a pussycat.
别担心莱瑞,他不会伤害你,他是一个乖小猫。 |
Don't mind as a little lady.
不要介意在人前当个小女人。 |
Don't mind my brother. Your dog has more breeding than he has.
别理会我弟弟,你的狗教养比他还好。 |
Don't misinform your doctor or your lawyer.
不要向医生和律师提供错误的信息。 |
Don't miss a word or a symbol.
不要忽略任何字或符号。 |
Don't miss out on a great connection due to the distance between you.
狮子座:不要失去一次拉近遥远距离的机会。 |
Don't miss the boat !
那只是纸上谈兵。 |
Don't miss the boat -- I guarantee you that my investment approach will double your income within a year.
别错过机会--我向你保证我的投资方法可以使你的收入在一年内翻番。 |
Don't miss the boat.
不要坐失良机。 |