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A turning point in trade and industrial co-operation is expected in the iron and steel industry and the raw materials relationship in the 1990s.

A turn for carpentry. 有做木工的天赋
A turn in the direction of the left hand or side. 向左转朝左手或左边方向的转弯
A turnaround in gas and electricity prices is continuing to pull down headline inflation. 由于消费者物价膨胀年初封顶,3月前的12月以内一直是3.1%,四月暴跌至2.8%,五月更为2.5%。
A turning inside out, as of an organ or a part. 外翻将内部外翻,如器官或一部分的外翻
A turning point in history has come. 历史转捩点已经到来。
A turning point in trade and industrial co-operation is expected in the iron and steel industry and the raw materials relationship in the 1990s. 预计在20世纪90年代,在钢铁工业及原材料关系方面,贸易和产业合作会出现转折点。
A turnkey computer system; a turnkey housing project; a turnkey factory. 一切齐全即可使用的计算机系统;一切齐全即可投入使用的房屋;一切齐全即可投产的工厂
A turtle dances Tango with a worker during a public performance at an aquatic park in Fuzhou, South China's Fujian Province December 30, 2006. 12月30日,在福州水族公园,一只大海龟正在和饲养员跳“探戈”。
A turtle dances Tango with a worker during a publicperformanceat an aquatic park in Fuzhou, South Chinas FujianProvince Decr30, 2006. 12月30日,在福州水族公园,一只大海龟正在和饲养员跳“探戈”。
A turtle has a hard shell. 海龟有着坚硬的壳。
A turtle obtrudes its head from its shell. 一只海龟从他的壳里伸出牠的头。

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