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A competent professional club fighter would massacre most martial artists.

A compartment in some types of firearms, often a small detachable box, in which cartridges are held to be fed into the firing chamber. 弹盒某些武器上的一个部件,通常是一个可以拆御的小盒,子弹在压入弹膛之前就放在那里
A compass card. 罗经刻度盘
A compass needle points (to the) north. 罗盘的指针永远指向北方.
A compass needle points north. 罗盘指针指向北方。
A compatible system is one that works smoothly with the busi-ness's operations, personnel, and organizational structure. 协调的系统是指能与企业经营活动、人员和组织结构和谐运行的系统。
A competent professional club fighter would massacre most martial artists. 一个出色的职业俱乐部选手可以灭了多数所谓的武术家。
A competition, especially one in which entrants perform separately and are rated by judges. 竞赛竞赛,尤指参赛各自献技并由评判员进行评判的比赛
A competitive inhibitor is usually structurally similar to the substrate, e.g. malonate is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase. 与底物结构相似的物质能竞争性的与酶结合,从而使酶不能与底物结合而丧失其催化活性。
A competitive remuneration package will be offered to successful candidates. 我们将为成功的应征者提供优厚的薪资待遇。
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution me 如果一个复盖程序和其他本身不是该程序的扩展的程序的联合体,这样的联合的目的不是为了在某个存储或发布媒体上生成更大的程序,且联合体程序和相应产生的版权没有用来限制程序的使用或限制单个程序赋予的联合程序的用户的合法权利的时候,这样的联合体就被称为“聚集体”。
A compiler can deduce type and non-type arguments from a call, provided the function argument list uniquely identifies the set of template arguments. 如果根据函数实参表能够决定一组模板实参,那么编译器就能从一个调用中演绎出类型和非类型实参。

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