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Cassio. Here comes another troop to seek for you.

Cassio. An inviting eye; and yet methinks right modest. 凯西奥一双动人的眼睛;可是却有一种端庄贞静的神气。
Cassio. Ancient, what makes he here? 凯西奥他到这儿来有什麽事?
Cassio. Ay, past all surgery. 凯西奥嗯,我的伤是无药可救的了。
Cassio. Bounteous madam, Whatever shall become of Michael Cassio, He's never any thing but your true servant. 凯西奥大恩大德的夫人,无论迈克尔·凯西奥将来会有什麽成就,他永远是您的忠实的仆人。
Cassio. He is not yet arrived: nor know I aught But that he's well and will be shortly here. 凯西奥他还没有到来;我只知道他是平安的,大概不久就会到来。
Cassio. Here comes another troop to seek for you. 凯西奥又有一队人来找您了。
Cassio. I do attend here on the general; And think it no addition, nor my wish, To have him see me woman'd. 凯西奥我在这儿等候主帅到来;让他看见我有女人陪著,恐怕不大方便,我不愿意这样。
Cassio. I pray you, sir, go forth, And give us truth who 'tis that is arrived. 凯西奥请你去看一看,回来告诉我们究竟是什麽人来了。
Cassio. Is your Englishman so expert in his drinking? 凯西奥英国人果然这样善于喝酒吗?
Cassio. It hath pleased the devil drunkenness to give place to the devil wrath; one unperfectness shows me another, to make me frankly despise myself. 凯西奥气鬼一上了身,酒鬼就自动退让;一件过失引起了第二件过失,简直使我自己也瞧不起自己了。
Cassio. Madam, not now: I am very ill at ease, Unfit for mine own purposes. 凯西奥夫人,改日再谈吧;我现在心里很不自在,见了主帅恐怕反多不便。

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