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Be like the sun and the meadow, which are not in the least concerned about the coming winter.

Be knowledgeable about hotel information to answer guest inquiries. 对酒店的情况了如指掌,随时能够回答客人的问询。
Be knowledgeable about your job. Attend all training courses required for your position. 对本身的工作岗位了如指掌。参加所有工作需的培训课程。
Be less hollow words, do more work. 一定要少说空话,多做工作。
Be like inside door work must assemble ventilator, ensure indoor airflow. 如室内工作须装配排风扇,保证室内空气流通。
Be like the promontory against which the waves continually break, but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it. 像海角一样,海浪不断扑打,但它傲然挺立,驯服周围狂暴的海水。
Be like the sun and the meadow, which are not in the least concerned about the coming winter. 要象阳光和草地那样对寒冬的来临全不在乎.
Be lord of money not slave. 要做金钱的主人,不做金钱的奴仆。
Be love nature, do not destroy. 以热爱自然为荣,以破坏自然为耻。
Be loving to those who love you. 对爱你的人付出你的爱。
Be loyal and supportive of your boss. 对老板忠诚,而且要支持你的老板.
Be loyal of hand and of mouth, seeking by God's grace to serve every man as best ye may. 言行须忠于信仰,以求得主的恩典,并尽己所能为他人服务。

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