Visions of the future in modern fiction are seldom optimistic. For example, what makes them so depressing?
现代虚构的小说中关于未来的幻想总是不大乐观,举例来说,什么使他们如此抑郁? |
Visit Africa's Serengeti Plain in northeast Tanzania, near Kenya.
到坦桑尼亚东北部、靠近肯尼亚的塞伦盖蒂平原观光。 |
Visit China Association of Social Workers and met the Ministry of Civic Affairs.
拜访中国社工协会并与民政局副局长会面。 |
Visit China to cherish its promising future!
“访问中国,展望美好未来! |
Visit Intel for jokes about Andy Grove.
去一下英特尔可打听到关于安迪·格罗夫的笑话。 |
Visit Legal Aid Centre of All-China Women's Federation and The Maple Women's Psychological Counselling Centre.
拜访妇女法律援助热线及拜访北京红枫妇女心理谘询热线。 |
Visit Microsoft and ask about Bill Gates jokes.
走访一下微软可听说有关比尔·盖茨的笑话。 |
Visit Millennium Development Goals for some background information on the MDG process.
访问千禧年发展目标以了解某些千禧年发展目标的背景资讯。 |
Visit Rotary district sites on the Internet.
于网际网路上浏览扶轮的地区网站。 |
Visit TCSOL. org, TCSOL NETWORK, you will be well informed of the Chinese Teaching abroad!
浏览《国际汉语教师网》,世界汉语教学资讯尽收眼底! |
Visit Taiwan's back-alley street stalls, renown for their amazing variety of food, including everyday dishes like rice noodles to the exotic such as snake wine and tofu.
一个小时的行程,带你去台湾的大街小巷,尽享不同类别的台湾道地小食。 |