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Also, both egtazic acid and nifedipine antagonized the AR induced by P and PDB + P In addition, neomycin also prevented the P-induced AR.

Alopecia totalis incognito Incognito隐匿性全秃
Alpine-yarrow Divination and Tortoise-shell Divination in Zuo Zhuan 《左传》的龟卜与筮占
Also by the slow combustibility of compound fertilizer based on ammonium nitrate, muriate of potash and monoammonium phosphate, the portions of ∶∶, ∶ ∶ and ∶∶ [m(N)∶m(P_O 并根据硝酸铵、氯化钾、磷酸一铵为基础的氮、磷、钾复肥的缓慢燃烧特性,提出m(N)∶m(PO)∶m(KO)=∶∶,∶ ∶,∶∶均属安全配料范围。
Also the biggest pressure loss is caused by rectangular winglets and the less is that of delta winglets and trapeze winglets with a bevel angle φ=0°. 矩形翼压力损失最大,直角三角翼和φ=0°梯形翼流阻较小.
Also the paper emphatically introduces a simplified calculation method for the fatigue problem when the hull is in racking condition. 本文还着重介绍了一种船体处于歪斜状态下的疲劳问题的简化计算方法,供船体结构初步设计时应用
Also, both egtazic acid and nifedipine antagonized the AR induced by P and PDB + P In addition, neomycin also prevented the P-induced AR. 此外,新霉素可抑制P_激发豚鼠精子AR,而且PDB可部分逆转这种作用.
Also, the content of soluble protein decreased when the petal became senesce. 可溶性蛋白含量呈下降的趋势。
Alsosaturation impair time below 90%(SIT90%)were observed to time duration has big influence on clinical symptom. 并观察血氧饱和度低于90%的时间占监测时间的百分比(satvation impair time below 90%,SIT 90%),其时间的长短对临床症状的影响的显著性。
Alteration of the homeostatic balance of infected intestine results in acute ileitis in certain strains of inbred mice. 某些近交系小鼠感染后肠道内稳态平衡的改变,导致急性回肠炎。
Alteration on SHGA Type Sectional Warper 对SHGA型分条整经机的改造实践与体会
Alterations in the epidermal-dermal melanin axis and factor XIIIa mel anophages in senile lentigo and ageing skin 老年性雀斑样痣和皮肤老化的表皮-真皮黑素轴和噬黑素细胞因子XIIIa的改变

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