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Take the example of Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower Project in Pakistan, the article illustrate the basic principle and application of project risk management.

Take the day off? Now you're talking! 休息一天怎麽样? 这就好了!
Take the difference in company ethics, for instance, which worries plenty of rich-world managers. 以公司道德规范为例——这使许多富裕世界的经理们担心不已。
Take the east road; it's the shortest way. 走东边这条路吧,这是最近的路。
Take the escalator over there down one floor. 在那边下一层楼后乘自动扶梯。
Take the essence, discard the dregs. 取其精华,去其糟粕。
Take the example of Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower Project in Pakistan, the article illustrate the basic principle and application of project risk management. 文章结合巴基斯坦巴罗塔水电站工程的实例,阐述了项目风险管理的基本原理和具体应用。
Take the example of upmarketing perfume, which often sells at a price 100 times greater than the cost of its production. 以推销香水为例,香水的价格常常比它的生产成本高出100倍。
Take the first keyword and then make a keyword phrase so that it looks like this: 以第一关键字,然后作出关键字看来这句话使:
Take the flowerpots out. 把花盆搬到外面去。
Take the garment of him who is surety for a stranger, And hold one in pledge who is surety for a foreign woman. 13谁为生人作保,就拿谁的衣服;谁为外女作保,就向谁取抵押。
Take the girdle that thou hast got, which is upon thy loins, and arise, go to Euphrates, and hide it there in a hole of the rock. 4要拿着你所买的腰带,就是你腰上的带子,起来往幼发拉底河去,将腰带藏在那里的磐石穴中。

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