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From now onward we'll do things my way.

From now on,I'll try to be more perfect. 从现在开始,我会做的更完美些.
From now on,cotton will make you be yourself. 从现在起棉花让你做回自己。
From now on,we can't remove the feasibility of the earthquake. 到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性.
From now on,we're friends for one minute. 有现在开始,我们就是一分钟的朋友。
From now on,your life will be changed. 你的人生将会从此改变.
From now onward we'll do things my way. 从现在起始我们要按我的方式行事。
From now onward, I will be prepared to work hard. 从现在开始,我要努力工作。
From now we will funnel them into the mountain pass we call the Hot Gates. 那时我们就把他们集中到我们称作温泉关的山口里。
From objects, the process and social need, City History is a new historical study branch which is interacted with some fields and pays attention to understanding and interpretation. 摘要从城市史研究的对象、产生发展历程和社会需要三个方面考察,城市史是一门注重理解与诠释的多学科交叉的新史学门类而区别于传统史学。
From olng time,we have been the fixed gift suppliers for many very large enterprises and financial organizations in China,such as Shanghai Volkswagen, Sinopec,Baosteel,Bank of Chinaand Siemens,etc. 长期以来,公司一直服务于国内各大公司,现已成为“上汽大众”、“中国石化”、“宝钢”、“西门子”、“中国银行”等多家大公司的定点礼品供应商。
From on board the unmanned Mars odyssey spacecraft, instruments that measure gamma rays and neutrons made the discovery. 这个发现归功于无人驾驶的“奥德赛”火星探测器上测量伽玛射线和中子的仪器。

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