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Just a tad off this splendid natural scene is a sheep herd that wanders around the river bank for an evening browse.

Just a second. I'll check for you. 请稍候片刻。我查一查。
Just a short line to say thanks. 只言片语聊表谢忱.
Just a snap of fingers, the image drawn on the card turned into the spectator's selection. 画在扑克牌上的图像,只需轻轻一弹,便变成了观众所选的樸克!
Just a sneak preview, I guess. 我猜我们是偷偷拿到这份报告的。
Just a splash of soda, please. 麻烦给我一份搀酒料的苏打。
Just a tad off this splendid natural scene is a sheep herd that wanders around the river bank for an evening browse. 也就在这一幅绚烂的图画旁边,在河湾之畔,一群羊正在低头觅食。
Just a thimbleful of sherry, please. 劳驾, 来一点点雪利酒.
Just a university, really need this grandiose, res-consuming enormous building? Why not invest the resource into upgrading the academic work and the basic infrastructure? 大学而已,需不需要这么宏伟的、损耗大量资源的大楼呢?为何不将资源投入教学工作,提升基本设施?
Just a worthless thing,which he brought yesterday. 他昨天买的只是一件没有什么价值的东西。
Just about a mile from here. 在离这里大约一里的地方。
Just about an hour after TM took the nectar pills, h is lungs collapsed for the first time. 就在TM用完这瓶甘露丸水约1个小时后,他的肺首度衰竭。

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