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1 I followed the band everywhere and I went to every show on last summer's tour.

1 I am on the night shift every Wednesday. 我每逢星期三都值夜班.
1 I am working for PETROTECH Drilling Fluids Service. 我为中海石油技术服务泥浆公司工作。
1 I called U2's manager to arrange a show in our city but they are booked for the next 3 years! 我打电话给U2乐队的经纪人,想让他给我们这里安排一次演出,可是他们三年之内都没有档期。
1 I caught a glimpse of Neyo and Chris Brown at the Los Angeles premier of their movie Stomp the Yard! 我在《街舞少年》的洛杉矶首映礼上看见了尼欧和克里斯布朗。
1 I felt my opinion didn't count for much . 我觉得我的观点并不重要。
1 I followed the band everywhere and I went to every show on last summer's tour. 去年那支乐队去哪我就跟到哪,他们的巡演我场场都到。
1 I hereby apply for the allotment of 1,000,000 ordinary shares (shares) of HK$0.10 each in the capital of the company and agree to pay the company a sum of HK$1200000 (an option price of HK$1.20 each) being the payment of the option price in full in resp 本人在此申购1,000,000股普通股(“股份”),每股在公司的股本中占0.1港币,并同意向公司支付总额为120万港币的款项(每股期权行使价1.20港币),作为根据公司期权计划所申购股份的期权行使价支付款额。
1 I hope your wife will soon join you here. The company will pay for all the needed expenses, including her international flight. 1我希望您的太太能早日与您在此团聚,我公司会支付包括国际机票在内所需要的一切费用。
1 I know nothing, indeed, which so disfigures the countenance of a young person, or so impresses every feature with an air of demureness, if not altogether of sanctimoniousness and of age. 我,说真的,不知道有什么会把一个年轻人的面孔伪装成这样,给面孔的每一部分都加上如此明显的做作神情,如果说不是加上满脸的伪善和世故的话。
1 I like Britney Spears. She's favourite singer. 我喜欢布兰妮·斯皮斯。她是最钟爱的歌手。
1 I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? 2 No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains. 我向群山举目,我的力量是从群山而来吗?不是的,我的力量是从创造天地和群山的神而来。

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