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In order to accomplish this, Hercules had to be cleansed of his wife's murder.

In order to , meet the challenges from knowledge econ omy, shipping companies, as the third pa rty logistics for industrial and commerc ial enterprises, are no w turning their focus of competition fro m price to service and providing the va lue-added logi 为迎接知识经济的挑战,航运业作为工商企业第三方航运物流提供者,其竞争焦点开始从价格转向服务,为客户提供压缩时间空间的物流增值服务。
In order to accelerate the development of the area, Zhengzhou should pay more attention to the function of centralization and distribution. 为了更好地促进中原崛起,同时充分利用好这个战略背景,郑州应积极树立城市新形象,利用区位、交通等优势强化城市的旅游集散功能。
In order to accelerate the research on genetics and breeding of bamboo, the authors suggested that the new technology on bamboo germplasm conservation should be integrated, flowering mechanism and flower induced should be strengthened, molecular breeding 本文从遗传基础、常规育种和分子育种3个方面对国内外的竹子遗传育种的研究状况进行了系统的研究概述,并提出加强竹子种质资源保护,重视种质资源保存新技术的研究,加强竹子开花机理和开花人工诱导的研究,把现代生物技术与传统育种相结合,建立稳定的技术平台,以推动竹子遗传育种的新发展。
In order to accomplish the exclusive value of education, we must stand at the top of times, meet the need of morality practice, and lay stress on the content and form of exploitation, put forth new thought for it, then take tactics such as class studying, 摘要为实现中央苏区德育资源特有的教育价值,在其开发与运用过程中,必须站在时代的高度,从德育实践需要出发,注重开发的内容和形式,创新开发思路,并采取课堂学习、实践体验、问题探究、综合运用等策略予以实施。
In order to accomplish this object one must be patriotic (love his country). I consider this an unchangeable truth. 为了达到此目的,必须爱国。我认为这是一条不易的定理。
In order to accomplish this, Hercules had to be cleansed of his wife's murder. 为了做到这一点,他必须洗清他谋杀妻子的罪名。
In order to accurately calculate the mining induced subsidence in thick alluvium areas so as to decrease the mining damage and environment disruption, the calculation of surface subsidence caused by water loss of clay was discussed based on probability in 摘要为了更加精确地计算厚冲积层矿区的煤矿开采沉陷问题,减小采动损害与环境破坏,基于煤矿开采沉陷计算的概率积分法,探讨了由于黏土体失水引起的地表沉陷计算问题,推导了黏土体失水引起的地表下沉计算公式,并应用于煤矿实际地表沉陷,加以分析论证。
In order to achieve 15% annual growth this year, we must work harder through the last quarter of the year. 为了达成今年15%的年成长率,我们在最后一季得更加努力地工作。
In order to achieve a better protection of the intellectual property rights and improve the S &T innovative ability in universities,this article has made a systematical analysis of the existing problems in the management of intellectual property rights in 为加强高等院校知识产权保护工作,提高院校科技创新能力,本文针对目前高等院校知识产权管理中存在的问题,进行了系统分析,并提出了相应的解决措施。
In order to achieve a rapid development and create a better corporate and social efficiency, we are ready to undertake technological and trade cooperations with our counterparts both at home and abroad for a brighter future. 为更有效地促进公司高速发展,创造更好的企业效益和社会效益,我们愿同国内外同行进行有效的技术经济贸易合作,共创美好未来!
In order to achieve our goal we must be self-discipline. 我们需要自律以达到我们的目标。

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