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Gary is just the same.

Gary Sinise's lower legs were wrapped in a special blue fabric that allowed them to be optically removed from the film by computer later. 加里·西尼斯(丹中尉的扮演者)的小腿是被一种蓝色的特殊材料包起来,这种材料后来经电脑处理后,视觉上感觉就像除去了。
Gary Steinman, an o tetrician at New York‘s Long Island Jewish Medical Center, compared the heights of 129 women who gave birth to twi or triplets with the average height of women in the United States and found women with multiple-birth pregnancies averag 纽约长岛犹太医疗中心的妇产科医师加里·斯汀曼将129名生过双胞胎或三胞胎的女性的身高与美国女性的平均身高进行了对比,结果发现生过多胞胎的女性平均身高要高出2.54厘米。
Gary Steinman, an obstetrician at New York‘s Long Island Jewish Medical Center, compared the heights of 129 women who gave birth to twins or triplets with the average height of women in the United States and found women with multiple-birth pregnancies ave 纽约长岛犹太医疗中心的妇产科医师加里·斯汀曼将129名生过双胞胎或三胞胎的女性的身高与美国女性的平均身高进行了对比,结果发现生过多胞胎的女性平均身高要高出2.54厘米。
Gary and I saw each other less and less. 我和葛瑞彼此见面的机会愈来愈少.
Gary has just returned from a night at the opera. His roommate, Mary, is asking him about it. 盖瑞晚上刚欣赏完歌剧回来。他的室友玛丽在问他的观后感。
Gary is just the same. 加里和她完全相同。
Gary pulled the chicken switch on his neighbour when grease started burning in the kitchen. 当厨房里的油着火时,加里惊慌失措地打电话向邻居求助。
Gary started this business back in 1975 on a shoestring. 加里在1975年以少额资金开始了这项生意。
Gary was a failure as a football player. 作为一个足球运动员,加里是个失败者。
Gary's visit was a complete surprise! 加里的来访可真完全出人意外!
Gary: He's mad about the spreadsheet. Keep your eyes open-he might engineer some sort of foul-up and then try to make you take the fall. 葛瑞:他因为分析表的事很不爽。她要时时提高警觉---他可能会故意制造一些错乱,然后回试图让你一肩承担所有责任。

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