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They are neck and neck at English.

They are my wife's parents-in-law. 他们是我妻子的公公婆婆。
They are native speakers of English. 他们的母语是英语。
They are natural comedians with just the right mix of mystical, sensitive, inspirational and impractical humor. 他们是天生的喜剧演员,能将包含神秘、敏感和梦幻等各类情感完美地演绎。
They are naturally susceptible to overblown promises made by others and when reality creeps in their response is to seek protection in distorted mistrust. 他们天生就容易相信他人所作出的言过其实的承诺,而且当现实爬进来时,他们的反应竟然是在扭曲的失信当中寻找庇护。
They are necessary to identify you as a customer entitled to updates and upgrades. 它们用作识别可取得更新的客户。
They are neck and neck at English. 在英语方面,他们是不分上下。
They are negotiating for a pay rise. 他们正为提高工资的事进行谈判。
They are neither accountant nor cashier. 他们既不是会计员也不是出纳员。
They are neither typically Chinese nor Tibetan. 他们既不是典型地中国人也不是西藏人。
They are never backward in giving their views. 他们从来不怕发表自己的意见。
They are never really our friends; at best, they are a necessary evil. 他们永远也不会成为我们真正的朋友;最多,他们代表我们必须与之打交道的魔鬼或灾难。

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