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Abbess Julia: You're a millionairess!

Abbas arrived Saturday night in UAE after winding up a short visit to Jordan where he discussed with some Arab lawmakers on the prospect of starting talks between Fatah and Hamas factions. 阿巴斯在结束了同约旦的短暂访问后于周六晚抵达阿联酋,在约旦,他同一些立法者就哈马斯和法塔赫之间的内讧展开了会谈。
Abbas left Abu Dhabi Sunday afternoon after holding talks with UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Deputy Prime Minister Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan on the latest developments in the Palestinian territories, according to reports by 根据阿联酋官方新闻通讯社报道:阿巴斯在和阿联酋总统哈里发和副首相谢赫哈姆丹就阿勒斯坦的边土问题作了会谈之后于周日下午离开阿布什比。
Abbas ratified the Palestinian elections law from being half proportional and half constituencies to become fully proportional. 阿巴斯批准的巴基斯坦选举草案,从一开始的半数的比例和半数的选民区的规定改为了全部比率和全部的选民区。
Abbe Sensei told us that this display was so very important as Lady Baden Powell and the Japanese ambassador were in the audience, and it was hoped that Lady Baden Powell would promote martial arts within her youth foundation groups internationally. 阿贝唤醒告诉我们,这是展示,所以非常重要,因为这位巴登鲍威尔和日本驻华大使,在听众,并希望这位巴登鲍威尔将推动武术在她的青年基金会国际集团.
Abbess Julia: Yes, I have to pay a visit. 是的,我想去拜访一下。
Abbess Julia: You're a millionairess! 朱莉亚:你是一个女百万富翁!
Abbondanzieri was replaced by Franco in the Argentina goal. 第71分钟:阿邦丹谢里被弗朗戈替换下场。
Abbreviation for Binary term, unit of storage capable of holding a single character. 二进制术语的缩写,能够存储一个字符的存贮单元。
Abbreviation of arithmetic logic unit, the part of a computer that performs all arithmetic computations, such as addition and multiplication, and all comparison operations. 算术逻辑部件的缩写,执行全部算术计算,例如加法和乘和全部比较运算的一台计算机的零件。
Abby: Can you show me some sweaters, please? 爱比:可以请你拿毛衣给我看看吗?
Abdallah Sami Shehade regularly makes the dash for the border, usually under the cover of night. 阿巴达拉定期奔跑到边界,通常利用夜晚来掩饰。

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