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Advances in virus and antivirus technology go hand in hand. It includes four generations of antivirus software. This is fourth generation.

Advances in technology have made it far easier to offer banking services regionally or nationally. 技术进步,已经使得提供地区性或者全国性的银行服务变得容易许多。
Advances in the research on deoxidizers used in chemical, material, metallurgical and electronic industries was described, including the deoxidization mechanism, classification, application and development of deoxidizer. 摘要概述了化工、材料、冶金和电子行业中气体净化用脱氧剂的研究进展,主要包括脱氧机理、脱氧剂分类以及应用和开发情况。
Advances in the transition-metal catalyzed α-arylation of carbonyl derivatives and compounds with acidic hydrogen are reviewed. 摘要对钯等过渡金属催化的羰基化合物及含酸性氢化合物的α-芳基化反应的研究进展进行了论述。
Advances in using stem cells will likely make it possible to grow tissue for a variety of organs; robotic technology will provide artificial limbs of amazing dexterity; leaps in nanotechnology will open the way for microscopic machines to fix the body fro 干细胞的使用将可能发展到用它培植多种人体器官组织;机器人技术将用于制造出异常灵活的假肢;微观技术的飞跃将可以用纳米微器械进入人体对人体进行治疗,而药物开发研制的稳定发展将增加数百,或许数千种新的特效药物。
Advances in virus and antivirus technology go hand in hand. It includes four generations of antivirus software. This is first generation. 在这四种分类中,第一类的功能为病毒侦测程式需要利用病毒码来侦测毒。
Advances in virus and antivirus technology go hand in hand. It includes four generations of antivirus software. This is fourth generation. 在这四种分类中,第四类的功能为封包的产生,这些封包内容包含了可变动的防毒技术,此外也包含了存取控制的策略。
Advances of postharvest physiology and technology on cut chrysanthemum were reviewed in this paper, and the directions for researches in the future were provided. 摘要从水分、营养物质和乙烯的生物合成3个方面综述了国内外菊花切花采后衰老的原因及采后生理与技术的研究进展,并提出了以后的研究方向。
Advances on Structural Engineering and Mechanics: Numerical Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall, Techno-Press, 1999, II: 1091-1096, Korea. 面向21世纪的科技进步与社会经济发展:偏压薄壁杆的空间稳定性,1999,上册:48,中国科学技术出版社,北京。
Advances on molecule-bolt selective monochlorination and reaction-separation coupling techniques for chlorination reaction in the world were introduced, and the control technology which achieved high selectivity was showed. 通过介绍国内外分子筛择形催化氯化及氯化反应分离耦合工程技术的进展,展示实现有机氯化反应高选择性的控制技术,为氯化产品工业技术的提升提供参考。
Advances were realized in the fields of travel literature, cartography and geography, and scientific education. 在旅游文献,制图,地理学及科学教育等方面都取得了长足的进展。
Advancing culture is bound to triumph over declining culture. 先进的文化必然战胜没落的文化。

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