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All species of Spike Fiends can fire their quills at range, and more developed variants have a more vicious rate of fire and tend to fire in volleys.

All souls intend to evolve, and the endowment insures that evolution will prevail in the dance of soul. 所有的灵魂都意愿去进化,而禀赋确保进化将在灵魂之舞中成功。
All souls were created in the beginning, and are finding their way back to whence they came. 所有灵魂均在开始被创造出的,他们也正在寻找回归源泉之路上。
All space craft re-entering the atmosphere get covered in space debris and gases which affect communications between the spacecraft and the ground control center. 所有返航的飞船在进入大气层时,会被宇宙残骸和气体所包围,从而影响了与地面中心的联络。
All spares and equipment we supply are new, genuine OEM backed up by the standard manufacturers warranty. 我们供应的所有备件和仪器都是全新的、真正的OEM产品,由标准制造商提供担保。
All special schools and skills opportunity schools receive subvention from the Education and Manpower Bureau (EMBthereafter) under the Code of Aid for Special Schools. 所有特殊学校及技能训练学校均由教育统筹局根据特殊学校资助则例提供资助。
All species of Spike Fiends can fire their quills at range, and more developed variants have a more vicious rate of fire and tend to fire in volleys. 所有种类的尖刺恶魔都能将牠们的刺发射一段距离,有些甚至发展成能射得更远并且可以扫射。
All species will breed inter se. 所有的生物都在其种内进行繁殖。
All spectators must reach the second floor ticket check through the 13 stair passages before entering the stand. And Stair 3 is for the disabled. 所有的观众都将通过环设于体育场的13个步梯,通过检票口进入二层平台,再进入内场。其中第三梯是残疾人无障碍通道。
All spinning parameters are computer controlled including draft, count, twist direction, twist level, traverse and spindle speed. 所有纺纱参数由电脑控制,包括:牵伸、支数、捻度方向、捻度水平、往复动程和锭子速度。
All springs have an ideal length, and a stiffness that limits how far you can stretch or squeeze the spring. 所有弹簧都有一个自身的长度,还有一个硬度值来决定它能够被拉伸和挤压的程度。
All squares between the rook and king before the castling move are empty. 在王车易位时国王和车之间的所有方块必须是空的。

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