This pandemic is now under control, but, in 1991 epidemic cholera appeared in South America. |
中文意思: 这次霍乱大流行现在已经被控制住了,但是,1991年流行性霍乱又出现在南美洲。 |
This pair of steel and nylon tennis rackets is really expensive.
这副钢和尼龙制造的网球拍真贵啊。 |
This pair of trousers is too tight for me.
这条裤子我穿太紧了。 |
This paladin has just started his journey. I hope you will pay a close attention to his later journey.
这名游侠的旅行才刚刚开始,希望大家继续关注他以后的行程. |
This palmer came from a very distant place.
这个朝圣者来自非常远的地方。 |
This pan is covered with enamel.
这只平底锅上了搪瓷。 |
This pandemic is now under control, but, in 1991 epidemic cholera appeared in South America.
这次霍乱大流行现在已经被控制住了,但是,1991年流行性霍乱又出现在南美洲。 |
This panoramic low power iew shows how inerted papillomas can often create an exophytic mass.
断层面在低倍镜下可清楚显示内翻性乳头状瘤是如何形成外生性肿块的。 |
This pant is too expensive, it is only 120 dollars in Shanghai.
这件裤子太贵了,在上海只要120元. |
This pants is iron free.
这条裤子是免烫的。 |
This pape expounds the enlightment of Catfish effect, Responsibility dispersion effect, Hawthorne effect, South wind effect, analysis the problem existed in librarys, and advises the corresponding measures.
摘要本文在阐述了鲇鱼效应、责任分散效应、霍桑效应、南风效应这几个心理效应给予我们的有益启示的基础上,分析了图书馆存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策。 |
This paper Introduces the concept of environmental logistics to the coal enterprises, analyzes the non-environmental factors of coal logistics, discusses the approach to realize the transformation from contaminative logistics to environmental logistics fo
摘要将绿色物流的概念引入煤炭企业,在分析煤炭企业物流中非绿色因素的基础上,探讨了实现煤炭企业物流向绿色物流转变的途径。 |