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The fibre quality of the banana is very high, can help the normal activity of stomach, dispel and secrete, do not need to take the laxative.

The fiancee is a promising young dancer. 他(她)的未婚妻(夫)是个有前途的青年舞蹈家。
The fiasco is embarrassing for Mr Fischer, chief executive since 2004, who once headed risk management at Deutsche Bank. 对于费斯奇先生来说这次的惨败尴尬异常,曾担任过德意志银行事故风险总经理的他自2004年以来一直位居董事总经理。
The fiber Bragg grating sensor has been successfully adopted to monitor the stress of the tie bar of the bridge. 该装置同时测量构件所受应力和温度,并对结果进行补偿以提高测试精度。
The fiber tensile strength is affected by concentration, temperature and minus stretch during coagulation, while the fiber structure and performance are obviously in fluenced by stretch temperature, medium and ratio. 纤维的拉伸强度在凝固成形过程中受到凝固浴浓度、温度和负拉伸的影响,同时在纤维的拉伸中拉伸的倍数、温度和介质等也影响著纤维的结构和性能。
The fiberglass piece is placed over the sticky epoxy and another layer of epoxy is poured over the fiberglass and rapidly smoothed over the fiberglass. 用2个小木片把环氧树脂抹匀在龟壳上,然后等到有些粘的时候进行下一步。
The fibre quality of the banana is very high, can help the normal activity of stomach, dispel and secrete, do not need to take the laxative. 香蕉的纤维质很高,可帮助回覆肠胃正常活动,消除便泌,无需服用轻泻剂。
The fibrin in this fluid can form a fibrinous exudate on the surfaces. 如果以纤维素为主,会导致粘膜表面的纤维素性炎症。
The fibrin often results in the the finding on physical examination of a friction rubas the strands of fibrin on epicardium and pericardium rub against each other. 听诊时出现心包摩擦音,这是因为沉积在心外膜和心包的纤维素相互摩擦所致。
The fiction has been highly praised since its publication. 该作品发布以来好评如潮。
The fiction portrayed the decline of the two big Jia noble family named Long and Lin mansions, given priority to love tragedy of Jia Bayou and Lin Daiyu, vividily contained a broad portrait of realistic life during china's feudalism walked up to decline. 小说以贾宝玉、林黛玉的恋爱悲剧为主线,描写了贾家荣、宁两府这个贵族大家庭的衰亡败落,生动地展现了中国封建社会走向没落时期的现实生活的广阔画面。
The fideism tries to prove some doctrines in a thousand and one ways and has blind faith in the authority and lose all the science spirit inspecting and refuting fixed conclusion; the intuitionism has positive significance to resist that the absolute rati 信仰主义千方百计去证明某种教条,迷信权威,完全丧失了检验、反驳既有结论的科学理性精神;直觉主义虽具有抵制极端理性主义把认识方法狭隘化的积极意义,但往往混淆知识论与价值论,阻碍科学探索中的理性批判。

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