Article 35 Deportation may be imposed independently or supplementarily to a foreigner who commits a crime.
第三十五条对于犯罪的外国人,可以独立适用或者附加适用驱逐出境。 |
Article 35 Fire trucks and fire boats, when rushing for fire fighting and rescue work or relief and rescue task for other disaster and accidents, shall not be restricted by its driving speed, driving route, driving direction and traffic signals; other veh
第三十五条消防车、消防艇前往执行火灾扑救任务或者执行其他灾害、事故的抢险救援任务时,不受行驶速度、行驶路线、行驶方向和指挥信号的限制,其他车辆、船舶以及行人必须让行,不得穿插、超越。 |
Article 35 If a contractual JV chooses to entrust a third party to operate and manage the venture after its establishment, unanimous agreement of the board of directors or joint management committee is needed, and an entrustment operation and management c
第三十五条合作企业成立后委托合作各方以外的他人经营管理的,必须经董事会或者联合管理委员会一致同意,并应当与被委托人签订委托经营管理合同。 |
Article 35 If the construction supervising units do not fulfill their obligations in accordance with the terms of the contract for supervision and do not inspect the items that should be supervised or do not follow the regulations in carrying out the supe
第三十五条工程监理单位不按照委托监理合同的约定履行监理义务,对应当监督检查的项目不检查或者不按照规定检查,给建设单位造成损失的,应当承担相应的赔偿责任。 |
Article 35 If, after divorce, both parties desire to resume their husband-and-wife relationship, they shall register for the remarrying of each other with the marriage registration office.
第三十五条离婚后,男女双方自愿恢复夫妻关系的,必须到婚姻登记机关进行复婚登记。 |
Article 35 In any of the circumstances as provided in Clauses 1, 2, 3, and 7 of Article 16 of the Foreign Trade Law, the goods concerned shall be limited in exportation.
第三十五条有对外贸易法第十六条第(一)、(二)、(三)、(七)项规定情形之一的货物,限制出口。 |
Article 35 In dealing with those who fail to pay the state-set maintenance fee or toll charge and those who Violate regulation on usage of maintenance fee contained hereof, the highway departments may order them to pay up in addition to a fine, depending
第三十五条不按照国家规定缴纳养路费、通行费或者违反本条例养路费使用规定的,公路主管部门可以分别情况,责令其补交或者返还费款并处以罚款。 |
Article 35 In the case of tree-felling in forest areas without adopting water and soil conservation measures, thus causing serious soil erosion, the department of water administration shall report thereon to the people's government at or above the county
第三十六条企业事业单位在建设和生产过程中造成水土流失,不进行治理的,可以根据所造成的危害后果处以罚款,或者责令停业治理;对有关责任人员由其所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分。 |
Article 35 Liabilities are generally classified into current liabilities and long-term liabilities.
第三十五条负债分为流动负债和长期负债。 |
Article 35 People's governments at all levels shall adopt measures to maintain and protect irrigation and drainage facilities, ameliorate the soil to raise fertility and prevent desertification, salinization, water loss and soil erosion and pollution.
第三十五条各级人民政府应当采取措施,维护排灌工程设施,改良土壤,提高地力,防止土地荒漠化、盐渍化、水土流失和污染土地。 |
Article 35 People's governments at various levels and departments concerned shall, through various forms, foster and train child-care and teaching staff in nurseries and kindergartens, and strengthen political, ideological and professional education there
第三十五条各级人民政府和有关部门应当采取多种形式,培养和训练幼儿园、托儿所的保教人员,加强对他们的政治思想和业务教育。 |