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The lawyers cunningly evoke Gorbachev, a name respected in the West, to make us think that justice prevailed.

The lawyer's cogent arguments convinced the jury. 这位律师很有说服力的争辩博得陪审团之信服。
The lawyer's compelling arguments convinced the jury of the defendant's innocence. 律师令人信服的辩词使陪审团相信了被告的无辜。
The lawyer's concession on that point will help your case. 律师承认这一点,对你的案子很有帮助。
The lawyer's son-in-law likes hawk's claws and jaws. 律师的女婿喜欢鹰爪和下颌.
The lawyer's truth is not Truth, but consistency or a consistent expediency. 律师的真理算不上真理,只是一种言之成理、利己的权宜之计。
The lawyers cunningly evoke Gorbachev, a name respected in the West, to make us think that justice prevailed. 他的律师们狡猾地打出了“戈尔巴乔夫”这个招牌,这一个被西方世界尊重的名字,以期让我们误认为是正义获胜。
The lay of the ground hindered my view of the sea. 地形挡住了我的视线,使我看不见大海。
The lay off feminine worker hasn`t yield to the challenge of life. 5那个下岗女工没有向生活给她的挑战妥协。
The lay public must be convinced that this is right and beneficial, and the medical fraternity must be held to the standards of the subuniverse. 世俗的大众将会相信这是对的并有利的,而医学会友维持在此次级共同体的标准上。
The lay volunteers will stop here, but a team of 16 climber-scientists will go on to the south col (just under 8,000 metres) and ten will continue to the summit, at an altitude of 8,848 metres, where the air pressure is just a third of its sea-level value 业余志愿者将就此止步,而同时一个由16名登山科学家组成的小分队会继续向上攀登直到南隘口(海拔略低于8,000米),之后他们中的10人会继续向峰顶前进。
The layer order of ore-hosted strata is normal by structural feature. 根据小构造标志,判定含矿岩系地层为正常层序。

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