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The boats afloat (which were afloat)were not seen by the enemy.

The boat's going off course, we'll have to haul up. 船要偏离航线了,我们得转向迎风行驶。
The boat-turned-into-a-car was specially developed for the city race event next weekend. 这架由小船改装成的车是为下周末市内赛事而特别开发的。
The boating trip was offered by the Hangzhou Federation of Trade Unions and Hangzhou Pleasure Boats Company to reward the migrant workers for their contribution to the city. 这次泛舟游湖活动是由市总工会和杭州游船公司联合推出的,以酬谢外来务工人员为本市所作的贡献。
The boatman took up the pole and shoved the boat off. 船夫拿起了篙子,把船撑离了岸。
The boatman was a strong handsome young guy. 船夫是个年轻英俊的壮小伙。
The boats afloat (which were afloat)were not seen by the enemy. 水上的小船没有被敌人发现。
The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港中的船只构成美丽的景色。
The boats will put out to sea on this evening's high tide. 今天晚上涨潮时这些船就要启航。
The bobolinks live in North America. 食米鸟生活在北美洲。
The bobsled run is built out of wood not metal and hidden among trees. 滑雪橇是由木头而不是金属做的,且隐藏在树丛中.
The bodhisattva sculpture excavated from Longxing(Dragon Arising) Temple at Qingzhou of Shandong. 青州龙兴寺出土的佛像贴金绘彩,工艺十分精细。菩萨像更是饰璎佩珞,华贵非常。

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