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I vow to fulfill the goals of the company as long as I live.

I understand, but they'd be much better off, and so would you. Just see to it they come down to the village tomorrow afternoon. “我明白,但这样对她们更好,对你也好。那就让她们明天下午到村里来吧。”
I used a want a boy for a kid,said Ennis, undoing buttons, but just got little girls. “我曾经想要个小子,”埃尼斯边说边解开纽扣,“没想到上天注定是岳父命。”
I used her. What of the way she used me? We were two of a kind, just clad in different color clothes. “我利用她,她也在利用我啊!我们都是一样的货色,只不过穿着不同的袍子。”
I used to sniff when I was 12, I used to smoke, drink, but I stopped them. 学生纳蒂?维克:「我12岁的时候会吸毒,我抽菸和喝酒,但已经戒了。」
I used to wish I had a copy of myself during hard jobs, but this is ridiculous! 「我在忙的时候总希望有个分身可以分忧解劳,但是这实在太荒谬了!」
I vow to fulfill the goals of the company as long as I live. 我发誓只要我活着我就要努力完成公司的目标。
I want Rotarians all over the world to know, please count on me. We count on you,he said. Thank you so much for what you do. 萨屈思說「我希望全世界的扶輪社员们都知道,请相信我。我们需要你。」「感谢你们所做的一切。」
I want people to come to the restaurant and to feel like home,he said, adding that about 70 percent of his clientele is Asian. 他说:“我希望人们有宾至如归的感觉。”他说百分之七十的客人都是亚洲人。
I want someone about two or three years older than myself, who is cultured, who has suffered much and who has conquered a lot of difficulties. “我要找一个比我大两三岁、有文化、吃过苦、克服过许多困难的人。
I want the black horse's blood in my horses. And you can keep every seventh horse for yourself. 我想要我的马的身体力都有黑骏马的血统。而且,你可以留下交配后产下的小马中的七分之一。”
I want them to experience what it will be like in chilly conditions. They might experience numbness in their hands because of the cold. 这位教练还说:“我希望他们能够体会到在较冷环境中比赛到底是怎么一回事。他们或许可以感受一下寒冷将双手冻僵的情况。”

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