An aerosol bomb.
喷雾剂的小容器 |
An aesthetic and nostalgic set would be made up of the warming bowl, the sake jug, and two scenting cups.
温碗、酒注子搭配2个闻香杯,是最怀古醇情的雅致组合。 |
An affable face, that is always gentle.From vision which in that black side eyeglasses passes, always thatbright bright, then is genial.
从那黑边眼镜中透出的目光,总是那么炯炯有神,那么和善。 |
An affable smile.
慈祥的微笑 |
An affected ally receives +2 on attack rolls, and a +2 bonus on Fortitude Saves.
被影响的众人得到+2的攻击加值,+2强韧豁免。 |
An affected ally recovers at twice the normal rate as long as he or she remains in the Godsworn's care.
只要一直被修士照顾,被影响的人的康复速度时正常人的两倍。 |
An affected, often haughty pose; affectation.
装腔作势做作的且常是傲慢的姿态;虚假 |
An affectedly elegant literary style of the late 16th and early 17th centuries, characterized by elaborate alliteration, antitheses, and similes.
一种流行于16世纪末17世纪初的装腔作势追求高雅的文体,以头韵、对句和明喻为特点。 |
An affectionate mother is the most important factor in prevention of drink and drug taking among adolescents.
在预防青少年吸毒和酗酒中,一位慈爱的母亲是最为重要的因素。 |
An affidavit that attests to the truth of a pleading.
宣誓供词证明某一申诉属实的宣誓书 |
An affiliate of South Koreas Posco, the worlds third-largest steelmaker, said its in talks about a contract to build a railway line in Nigeria.
作为韩国浦项钢铁公司的子公司,世界第三大钢铁生产厂浦项工程和建筑公司表示,公司正在就为尼日利亚建设铁路制造铁轨的合同进行谈判。 |