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Please write neatly otherwise, I cannot read it.

Please write down your initials on each page of the paper. 请在每页考卷上写下名字的首字母。
Please write down your name on all your hand-in homework. Please save all your homework instructions which will be used for any tests and final term. 请在所有作业本上写上你的姓名。请收好所有作业通知单,用于考试复习。
Please write down your thoughts. 把你的想法写下来。
Please write here “identical with the original”. 请您在此签上“与原件一样”字样。
Please write me a summary of this report. 请替我把这份报告写一份摘要。
Please write neatly otherwise, I cannot read it. 字写的工整些,要不然我看不懂。
Please write on both sides of the paper, and don't write in the margin. 请在纸的正反两面书写, 但不要写在四周的边上.
Please write on every other line (third line). 请隔行写。(请隔两行写一行。
Please write the date and amount deposited on a deposit slip. 请在存款单上填上日期和金额。
Please write to me in case you have trouble. 万一有什么困难,请给我捎个信。
Please write to my accommodation address. 请把信寄到我的临时通信地址。

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