In photography, removing fixer and unexposed silver salts from photographic film and papers. |
中文意思: 中义在摄影术中,将定影液和未曝光银盐从摄影底片和相纸中移走。 |
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In petroleum reservoirs, however, the rocks are usually saturated with two or more fluids, such as interstitial water, oil, and gas.
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In philosophy and liberal arts, this is shown as man being in harmonious relation with all others in nature instead of having absolute power to rule.
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In photographing these details, pay careful attention to issues of focus and framing.
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In photographs we are all too familiar with the red eye effect we sometimes get.
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In photography, a fixing bath containing NH (univalent ion of ammonia), which is used for removing silver halides from photosensitive emulsions.
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In photography, removing fixer and unexposed silver salts from photographic film and papers.
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In photography, small bubbles of air that adhere to photographic surfaces during development, leading to visible defects on the processed film.
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In photography, the light sensitivity of film emulsion.
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In photomechanical reproduction, a line screen breaks the wide tonal range found in the original into discrete intervals from 1% to 99%), creating a halftone dot pattern.
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In photosynthesis ferredoxin is involved in electron transfer between photosystem I and the final electron acceptor, NADP.
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In phototypesetting, a line ending with no vertical advancement, similar to a carriage return with no line feed on word processing equipment.
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