Averting climate change came last.
避免气候变化排在了最后。 |
Averting the disruptive extremes of boom and bust can help bring about long-term growth.
避开具破坏性的极端景气高低,将有益于长期的经济成长。 |
Avery Johnson and Bruce Bowen are, in NBA parlance, self-made men.
按照NBA的说法,艾夫里约翰逊(小牛教练)和布鲁斯勃文都是靠独立奋斗而成功的人。 |
Avery has fallen head over heels for shoes. And not just any shoes. Stilettos are what make her go weak at the knees .
艾弗里对于鞋子可谓情有独钟,但并非所有的鞋都能投其所好,细高跟鞋才是她的最爱。 |
Avez-vous déjà visité le Canada?
你访问过加拿大吗? |
Avez-vous déjà été explusé,déporté ou bien sommé de quitter un pays auparavant?
你曾经被驱逐、流放或被要求离开一个国家? |
Avez-vous visité le vieux chateaux qui se trouve à 30 km du village ?
您参观过位于村镇三十公里处的古城堡吗? |
Avg table size relative to the avg diameter, reported to the nearest whole percentage point (1%).
平均数表大小相对的平均数,直径就近报告整个百分点(1%). |
Avian H5N1 flu virus becomes more widespread among bird flocks in Asia, and has caused 34 human cases, with 23 deaths.
禽类H5N1流感病毒在亚洲鸟群中传播更加广泛,并且导致34人患病,其中23人死亡。 |
Avian flu has killed or forced the slaughter of millions of birds over the last two years.
禽流感在过去两年来已导致数百万家禽被宰杀。 |
Avian flu is probably here to stay, experts are warning Europe's governments.
专家警告欧洲各国政府:禽流感很可能会留下来。 |