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Let's turn to page 8.

Let's try to straighten out this confusion. 咱们努力收拾这个混乱的局面吧.
Let's try to tackle the issue and clarify some usual misunderstandings, which always appear once floats are being used. 让我们尝试去解决这些问题并澄清一些以前使用浮动的误解。
Let's try to understand the reasons. 让我们试著了解背后的原因吧!
Let's tune in to (or: on) Radio Beijing. 让我们收听北京广播电台。
Let's turn our attention to the study of English. 让我们把注意力转到英语学习上吧。
Let's turn to page 8. 让我们翻到第八页。
Let's turn to the actual terms now. 现在让我们来讨论具体的条款。
Let's unpack before we go to bed. 咱们打开行李再睡觉吧.
Let's update a little bit about myself ----- I brought my first BMW, this car is great, love it! 看看我现在的变化吧--我买了我的第一辆宝马,这辆车非常棒,我很喜欢它!
Let's us think it's better. 让我们往好处想吧。
Let's use the abacus to count 25 other things we can see in our tour of Chinatown. 好,让我们先在上面拨出数字25,接下来就由我再介绍25个华埠中最有代表性,最好玩的地方给你们。记得跟上哟。

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