In the column of Works, we feature some newly-built works as well as some proposals.
在作品栏目里,我们选择了新近建成的一些佳作和几个实验性的设计方案。 |
In the comics, the black costume first appeared in the middle of Marvel's Secret Wars, a 1984 mini-series.
在漫画中,黑色蜘蛛装首次出现在《奇迹英雄的秘密战争》当中,这是1984年的蜘蛛侠短篇系列漫画。 |
In the coming Rotary year, I ask all of you to join me as we Lead the Way to a better Rotary and better communities.
在未来这个扶轮年度,我请大家和我一起「带头前进」,创造更好的扶轮及更好的社区。 |
In the coming century the development of telecommunications will depend on optical fibers with carry information incomparable to the common phone lines.
在新世纪,通讯事业的发展有赖于光导纤维,因为光导纤维能携带的信息量是普通电线所无可比拟的。 |
In the coming couple of years, more than 60 new hotels with over 60,000 rooms will be completed while some 50 existing hotels are being planned for re-construction or up-graded.
在未来两三年间,将会有超过60间酒店、60,000多间酒店房间相继落成,另外现有的50多间酒店均相继重建或装修。 |
In the coming month, his belly will begin to secrete a kind of liquid that moisturizes the fertilized eggs.
在未来的一个月里,它的腹部会渗出液体,滋润受精卵子。 |
In the coming months the judges will have other weighty business to decide.
在接下来的几个月内,法官们需要做出更重要的裁决。 |
In the coming months, I will be releasing two new series: Adventures In Field Recording, and Adventures In Music Production.
在接下来的几个月,我将陆续推出两个系列的节目:野外录音大冒险,以及音乐制作大冒险。 |
In the coming months, we will be releasing several new episodes for this Podcast series, Adventures In Field Recording .
在未来的月份堙A我们将在这个『马修野地录音大冒险』系列,释出一些新的节目。 |
In the coming movie, the plot revolves around Homer, who accidentally pollutes the river with toxic waste from the nuclear power plant.
在即将上映的电影中,故事围绕荷马展开,他无意间用核电站的有毒废料污染了河流。 |
In the coming weeks the court will announce its decision on a pair of cases that it heard in December, involving the Jefferson County school district and another in Seattle.
最高法院去年12月审理了涉及杰佛森郡学区和西雅图另一个学区的两个案子,他们将在未来几周内宣布结果。 |