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What can you do if some careless employee accidentally deletes the company's financial records for the last fiscal year?

What can we learn from Solomon's example and from Proverbs 3:7? 我们从所罗门的例子和箴言3:7可以学到什么?
What can we say about our three terms—jurisprudence, philosophy of law, and legal theory? 那么我们对这三个术语——法理学、法哲学与法律理论又有怎么样的解释呢?
What can we show them that will help them believe it? 为了实现我们期望的改变,他们需要开始相信的一个点子是什么?
What can you conclude from these observations? 你从这些观察中能得出什么结论?
What can you do but take back what you said? 除了收回你的话外,你还能做什么?
What can you do if some careless employee accidentally deletes the company's financial records for the last fiscal year? 你如何防备粗心的工作人员不小心删除了公司上一财年的财务记录?
What can you do in the library? 你在图书馆里可以干什么?
What can you do to build teamwork here? 在这里您可以做哪些事情来加强团队精神?
What can you do to manually expirethose pages, and perhaps display a custom message? 你应该怎样做才能人工地使这些网页过期,并且如果有可能则给出一条已定制好的消息呢。
What can you do to optimize your family situation? 你能做什麽来使你家庭境况达到最适化?
What can you do well? 你擅长做什麽?

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