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Abstract: In every society there are certain things that are supposed to be unspeakable.

Abstract: In all kinds of materials, the existence of a stress singularity was studied widely by engineers. 文摘:在各种材料中,出现的应力奇异性已为工程技术人员的科学研究提供了丰富的素材。
Abstract: In application of network topologic method, the thesis calculates the distribution of 3-dimensional steady-state temperature field in the stator of axial-ventilation synchronous generator. 文摘:应用网络拓扑法求解了轴向通风同步发电机定子的三维温度分布。
Abstract: In consideration of the characteristics of generator fault diagnosis,we compose the realtime data collection and the idea of expert system for the fault diagnosis of generator,designing and developing a type of expert system of fault diagnosis o 文摘:针对发电机故障诊断的特点,将实时采集数据与专家系统的思想相结合,设计开发了一种发电机脱机故障诊断系统,阐述了其系统结构以及故障诊断的知识学习过程和工作流程。
Abstract: In decades of years of striving for China's revolution and construction, influenced by Mao's theory of style, Deng Xiao-ping realized that it is necessary and important to rectify and remold incorrect styles of work. 文摘:邓小平在为中国革命和建设奋斗的几十年中,深得毛泽东作风学说的熏陶,也切实体会到作风改造的重要性和必要性。
Abstract: In detailed description are the servo system principle for lining operation by 08―32 tamping machine and the approach for straight line automatic lining with laser technique. 文摘:着重介绍大型养路机械08―32型捣固车拨道作业伺服系统的原理和利用激光技术实现直线自动拨道的方法。
Abstract: In every society there are certain things that are supposed to be unspeakable. 摘要:在任何一个社会中,总有一些不能直截了当说出来的话。
Abstract: In ihis paper, several unstable force in the turbine is putedforward, that will bring self-excitation vibration. 文摘:提出了汽轮机中引起自振的几种不稳定力。
Abstract: In late Ming and early Qing Dynasty,with the deepening of contradictions between classes and nations, with the sprout of capitalistic production relations and the appearance of the stratum of townspeople in some districts, a trend of ideological 文摘:明末清初,随着阶级矛盾与民族矛盾的不断深化、资本主义生产关系的萌芽和市民阶层在一些地区的先后出现,在我国思想文化史上,曾出现过一股思想解放的潮流。
Abstract: In line with the reorganiztion of China power industry,the paper describes problems concerning commercialization of power market structure,theory of electric tariff pricing,power transaction,bidding for access to power networks,etc.Several propo 文摘:针对电力工业的重组,对我国商业化运营的电力市场结构、电价理论、电力交易和竞价上网、电力市场模型等问题进行阐述,并就解决其所带来的热点问题,如电价体系、资源规划、系统可靠性等提出若干建议,为加速我国电力市场的发展提供参考。
Abstract: In loess hilly-gully region covered by sheet sand,soil water erosion process is different from typical loess hilly-gully region because of worse natural environment and loose land surface material. 文摘:在片沙覆盖的黄土丘陵区,由于恶劣的自然环境及松散的地表组成物质,土壤的水蚀过程明显地不同于典型的黄土丘陵区。
Abstract: In machining the surfaces of aluminium alloy parts a re corroded by emulsion frequently.Applying syncrgistic effect of compound corr osion inhibitor,this problem was solved satisfactorily the result is introduc ed. 文摘:介绍了应用复合缓蚀剂的协合效应,来防止铝合金件在机械加工中,因乳化液的腐蚀,使工件表面发黑的现象。

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