Article 62 In cases where the circumstances of a crime call for a heavier or lighter punishment under the provisions of this Law, the criminal shall be sentenced to a punishment within the limits of the prescribed punishment.
第六十二条犯罪分子具有本法规定的从重处罚、从轻处罚情节的,应当在法定刑的限度以内判处刑罚。 |
Article 62 Normally the inspection of rat-damage or deratization shall be carried out while the hold is bare.
第六十二条对船舶的鼠患检查或者除鼠,应当尽量在船舶空舱的时候进行。 |
Article 62 Should an auctioneer and other staff violate the stipulation of Article 22 of this Law by participating in bidding or trusting others to participating in bidding for them, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall give the a
第六十二条拍卖人及其工作人员违反本法第二十二条的规定,参与竞买或者委托他人代为竞买的,由工商行政管理部门对拍卖人给予警告,可以处拍卖佣金一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;情节严重的,吊销营业执照。 |
Article 62 The Articles of Association shall come into effect upon the approval by People's Republic China. The same applies ××Economic Relation and Trade Commission, in the events of amendments.
第六十二条本章程须经中华人民共和国对外经济贸易委员会批准才能行效。 |
Article 62 The People's Bank of China has the right to check and supervise the deposits, loans, account settling and bad debts of the commercial banks at any time in accordance with the stipulations of Chapters III, IV and V of this law.
第六十二条中国人民银行有权依照本法第三章、第四章、第五章的规定,随时对商业银行的存款、贷款、结算、呆帐等情况进行检查监督。 |
Article 62 The establishment of a public trust and the appointment of trustees shall be subject to the approval of the regulatory agency of relevant public undertakings (hereinafter referred to as regulatory agency of public undertakings for short).
第六十二条公益信托的设立和确定其受托人,应当经有关公益事业的管理机构(以下简称公益事业管理机构)批准。 |
Article 62 The financial department under the State Council shall compile the draft of the central final accounts, and submit the draft to the State Council for examination and decision, and then the State Council shall submit it to the Standing Committee
第六十二条国务院财政部门编制中央决算草案,报国务院审定后,由国务院提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会审查和批准。 |
Article 62 The insured or the applicant may change the beneficiary by a written notice to the insurer.
第六十二条被保险人或者投保人可以变更受益人并书面通知保险人。 |
Article 62 Upon signing and promulgation, an administrative regulation shall be published in the State Council Bulletin and nationally circulated newspapers in a timely manner.
第六十二条行政法规签署公布后,及时在国务院公报和在全国范围内发行的报纸上刊登。 |
Article 62 When exercising the right of recourse, the holder shall provide relevant evidence of non - acceptance or non - payment.
第六十二条持票人行使追索权时,应当提供被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的有关证明。 |
Article 62 When exercising the right of recourse, the bearer shall be able to provide proof that acceptance or payment was refused.
第六十二条持票人行使追索权时,应当提供被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的有关证明。 |