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Since its establishment in 1998, with a market-oriented business principle, it has won a wide reputation in the technological innovation, product design and marketing, and customer services.

Since its appearance it shows profound influence on Chinese novel creation. 它自产生以来,就对中国的小说创作产生了深远的影响。
Since its coming to China in 1989, Michelin China has more than 5000 employees, 3 plants, 1 R&D centre and 8 sales offices in China mainland. 米其林沈阳工厂成立于1995年,是米其林集团在中国建立的第一个生产基地,其产品包括轿车轮胎和卡客车轮胎。
Since its debt is convertible in nature, it does not face liquidity problem. 自从它的债务可以成为可转化公司信用债券,它就不用面对流动性问题。
Since its establishment in 1960s, dongdixing company has led and explored the chinese bedding fabric market with outstanding design idea, exquisite production technique and popular information up-to-the-minute, proving to be a large bedding fabric supplie 东帝兴公司自十九世纪六十年代创业以来,凭借卓越的设计理念、精湛的生产技术与及时的流行资讯,引导并拓展中国寝具面料市场,是国内最早从事现代家纺设计开发的大型床品面料供应商。
Since its establishment in 1983, STEC has made itself known throughout the country by its excellent performances: implementing government to government cooperation in science and technology, sending professionals and managerial personnel to be trained and 四川省科技交流中心自1983年成立以来,在执行政府间科技合作项目,组织科技和管理人员出国考察,交流和培训,举办国际展览,召开国际学术会和专题技术交流会,引进国外专家,派遣出国研修生,搭建国际科技创新资源服务平台(组建了四川国际科技合作网、四川科技兴贸网),开展科普宣传活动,从事国内外项目咨询,招商引资等专业化服务等方面,业绩斐然,享誉省内外。
Since its establishment in 1998, with a market-oriented business principle, it has won a wide reputation in the technological innovation, product design and marketing, and customer services. 拥有一批有良好职业背景、熟悉市场、有经营头脑的青年人才;经营机构灵活,对市场反应敏锐。
Since its establishment, 100] in the enterprise, brand development strategic planning, marketing integration to promote planning and communication, more like design (corporate image, brand image, product image), CI force, VI design, logo design, packaging 成立至今,壹佰佳在企业、品牌发展战略规划、行销整合推广规划与传播、形象规划设计(企业形象、品牌形象、产品形象)、CI导入、VI设计、标志设计、包装设计、画册设计、平面设计、商业空间设计、广告摄影等领域致力于为客户提供高水准的专业服务。
Since its establishment, GS has been orienting itself towards the development of specialization, informationalization and size distribution. 公司成立以来,一直朝着“专业化,信息化,规模化”方向发展。
Since its establishment, Great Micro has been orienting itself towards the development of specialization, informationalization and size distribution. 公司成立以来,一直朝着“专业化、信息化、规模化”的方向发展。
Since its establishment, Newbridge has invested in a variety of industries, including consumer food and beverage, semiconductor packaging and testing, port services, hotel and property management, steel, banking, software development/integration, telecom/ 新桥投资自创立以来,新桥投资已投资涉足多个行业,包括餐饮业、半导体封装及测试、港口服务、酒店和物业管理、钢铁、银行、软件开发/集成、电信/通讯、医药和金融服务。
Since its establishment, SFEECO, with the support of all levels of governments and in cooperation with its partners, has adhered to the principle of “facing the outside world, abiding by contracts, providing quality service and standardizing its operation 公司成立至今,在各级政府的支持下,在兄弟公司的合作下,始终坚持面向海外、信守合同,优质服务、规范经营的公司准则,努力寻求公司的发展,积极开展公司业务。

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