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Steamboats are often divided into watertight compartments by watertight partitions.

Steam rises ominously as flowing lava hits the sea off the Italian island of Stromboli. 意大利斯特龙博利岛的火山冒出不祥的烟雾,火山冒出的熔岩流到斯特龙博利岛附近海域。
Steam the tofu and drain excess moisture, mash it up. Chop up the coriander and mix some of it in the tofu. 将蒸煮滑豆腐先蒸热,去掉多馀水分后压碎;芫茜切碎,部分拌入豆腐中。
Steam trap flow direction in accordance with that of the pipe line. 疏水阀的流向要与管路流向一致。
Steam-driven paddleboats are especially popular on the Mississippi. 靠蒸汽推动的轮船在密西西比州更是大受欢迎。
Steamboat travel opened a new chapter in America's exploration of the West. 汽船旅行为开发美国西部翻开了新篇章。
Steamboats are often divided into watertight compartments by watertight partitions. 汽船常用滴水不漏的隔墙分隔滴水不漏的隔间。
Steamer report seriously damaged now ascertain particulars however our interest fully protected transmit to London 据说轮船严重受损,详情正在调查之中,但我方利益已完全保住,请电告伦敦公司。
Steaming Bone Disorder: TCM term describing a condition of deep internal heat arising from severe yin deficiency. The patient will describe a heat that seems to come from the bones. 骨蒸:描述因严重阴虚所致内热的中医名词.病人自诉热的感觉似乎是从骨头里出来.
Steatosis in chronic hepatitis C: Relationship to the virus and host risk factors. 慢性丙肝常出现脂肪变性,但其机制尚不明确,脂肪变性在慢性丙肝进展中的作用仍有争议。
Steed Malbranque and, less likely, Damien Duff are today's main names to be linked with Liverpool in the Sunday papers. 斯蒂德.马尔布兰,也许还有达米恩·达夫,成为这个周末报纸上和利物浦俱乐部相联系最多的名字.
Steed Malbranque headed home from close range to bag the point we richly deserved after our second half display in the 1-1 draw at Fratton Park on New Year's Day. 马尔布兰克的进距离头球扳平比分使我们拿到了新年的第一分,在下半场所有的优秀表现后,这一分是完全应得的.

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