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Based on field investigation, the sedimentary characteristics, horizontal correlation and facies distribution of Upper Sinian and Lower Cambrian for more than ten sections in the middle Yangtze region are comprehensively studied in this paper.

Based on features of natural electric potential in oxidation and reduction zones, it is held that the natural electric field method may determine the front line of the interlayer oxidation zone, and can hence infer the general position of the interlayer o 根据氧化带与还原带的自然电位变化特徵,利用自然电场法可以确定盆地层间氧化带前锋线,由此推测层间氧化带砂岩型铀矿大体空间位置。
Based on features of waste material flow, the experience of waste material flow management and the prediction of the waste material flow scale, the countermeasures on waste material flow are put forward, including to strength collection by classification, 依据奥运废弃物物流特性、历届奥运会废弃物物流管理实践和北京奥运废弃物物流规模,提出了重视分类收集、完善运作模式等建议,可以为主管部门制定北京奥运废弃物物流管理政策提供支持。
Based on features, current main functions and study on existing problems of trade associations' information function, this paper ends with suggestions to improve it. 本文通过对行业协会信息功能的特征、现有主要信息功能及其存在的主要问题的研究,提出完善我国行业协会信息功能的建议。
Based on field collection, observation, Ethnobotany survey, herbarium specimens and literature checking, authors recorded the current utility status of Fagaceae plant resources (the abundance, distribution and the utility) in Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous R 摘要在较全面野外考察、调研的基础上,结合资料查询、查阅,对广西壳斗科植物的发掘和利用进行了初步探索研究。
Based on field data and former researches, influence of inflow of anabranches on middle and lower reaches of the Hanjiang River was analyzed. 摘要在实测资料和前人研究的基础上研究了支流入汇对汉江中下游水沙条件、河床演变以及河流功能维持的影响。
Based on field investigation, the sedimentary characteristics, horizontal correlation and facies distribution of Upper Sinian and Lower Cambrian for more than ten sections in the middle Yangtze region are comprehensively studied in this paper. 根据中扬子地区上震旦统一下寒武统十馀条代表性剖面的沉积特徵及其横向展布规律,应用等时面优势相成图方法编制了晚震旦世的陡山沱期、灯影期,早寒武世的筇竹寺期、沧浪铺早期、沧浪铺晚期、龙王庙期共6幅岩相古地理图。
Based on field investigations, with the help of the theories and methods of systematics and complexity science, the function status of the water resources conservation forest in Qilian Mountains was re-oriented, and the main problems in the forest managem 摘要该文在实地调查的基础上,采用系统科学和复杂性科学等新理论与新方法,重新定位了祁连山水源涵养林的功能地位,诊断了现阶段水源林经营中存在的主要问题,并针对问题提出了经营对策。
Based on field test and theoretical analysis, the mechanism of instability of slurry-supported excavations was investigated from angles of soil arching effect, time-dependent effect, overall stability, and local stability. 同时,根据现场试验和理论研究成果,从土拱效应、时间效应、整体稳定性和局部稳定性等方面分析了泥浆护壁开挖的失稳机理。
Based on fieldwork, this paper illustrates the tourist development in Laodong Village, a model village set by Hunan province and Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture in the New Rural Construction. 摘要以田野调查为基础,对湘西苗族地区省州级新农村建设示范村-老洞村的旅游开发及新农村建设情况作了初步研究。
Based on four different reference frames, namely absolute angle synchronized reference frame, relative angle synchronized reference frame, reference frame in which some machine is taken as reference machine, and inertia center reference frame, methods of 摘要介绍了多机电力系统在4种参考坐标系:绝对功角同步旋转坐标系、相对功角同步旋转坐标系、某一机组参考系和惯性中心参考系下的线性空间数学模型的形成方法。
Based on four project cases of vibro casing cast-in-place pile in silty sand foundation, the liquefaction of sand and its consequent pile breaking are analyzed, and suggestions on how to adopt values of the design parameters of a single pile are presented 摘要以4个在粉砂地基中均采用振动沉管灌注桩的工程为例,分析了施工中砂土的液化及由此引起的断桩,并对单桩设计参数的取值提出了建议。

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