Secret Weapons — brings viewers an informative and stylish report from the war against terror, and uses the latest in special effects, animation, macro photography, recreations and real-life battleground photography to explore the future of Secret Weapons |
中文意思: 《武器之王》:一个对反恐战争的资讯性报告─利用崭新的特别效果、动画、微距镜头及真实战场的摄影等,与观众一同探索未来的秘密武器。 |
Secret #7: Between takes, Emma Watson likes to play with Alfonzo Cuaron's hair because it was so long. She even put it in pigtails! I'm his unoffical hair-stylist,Emma says.
秘密7:在拍片过程中,艾玛华特森喜欢玩导演阿方索库隆的头发!因为很长~她甚至还把他绑成辫子! |
Secret 10:Be a free agent; get money working so you can stop working!
秘诀10:做个自由工作者,努力赚钱好让你不用再工作! |
Secret Formulary for Traumatology and Fracture Taught by Immortal summarized the diagnostic and treatment experiences of bone and joint injury, reduction manipulation of fractures and dislocations, splinting, functional exercises and surgical suture.
摘要《仙授理伤续断秘方》系统总结了骨关节损伤的诊治经验,对骨折、脱位等采用手法整复、夹板固定、功能锻炼和内外用药治疗,并结合外科清创消毒、缝合手术等,体现了中医骨伤科的卓越成就。 |
Secret Maryo Chronicles is an two-dimensional platform game with a style designed similar to classic sidescroller games like Super Mario World.
类似超级玛莉的过关游戏不但画面跟电动里的非常像,连配乐也有,而且还附上程式原始码呢! |
Secret Service operated against the country.
战争期间,情报机关展开了对敌行动。 |
Secret Weapons — brings viewers an informative and stylish report from the war against terror, and uses the latest in special effects, animation, macro photography, recreations and real-life battleground photography to explore the future of Secret Weapons
《武器之王》:一个对反恐战争的资讯性报告─利用崭新的特别效果、动画、微距镜头及真实战场的摄影等,与观众一同探索未来的秘密武器。 |
Secret affairs can only lead to devastating circumstances.
秘密时间只能带来糟糕的处境。 |
Secret affairs can only lead to heartache and emotional consumption.
否则只能是头疼的事情和感情的浪费。 |
Secret affairs may be tempting.
秘密事情是很诱人。 |
Secret affairs will eventually backfire on you.
秘密的事情最终会发生在你身上。 |
Secret affairs will only lead to heartache.
白羊座:秘密的私情只能导致心痛。 |